Replacement of hypomagnesemia. Tardes-de-pointis, cardiac arrest and quinide induced arrhythmia. Statis asthamaticus. Eclompsia (Pregnancy). Cerebral palsy in pre term basis. Barium Chloride poisoning. Topical Use -- Topical application over boils, carbundes and abseesses. Poultice form against blemishes. Soaking in warm bath can be beneficial to soothe, relax and relive herpes outbreak symptoms.
Contraindication: What are the special precautions to be followed?
Under following conditions, use of this medication is inadvisable. Its use should be withhold as it would cause harm to the patient Hypersensitivity.
Other Precaution to be observed while taking this medication
Drug allergy, kidney or heart disease, low blood calcium, myasthenia gravis, alcohol intake.
What are possible side effects of this medication ?