
Drug Status in USA : Approved
Drug Status in Canada : Approved

Indication : Why is this medication prescribed?

Epilepsy, adjunct in treatment of oedema due to CHF. Open angle, secondary acute angle closure glaucoma.

Contraindication: What are the special precautions to be followed?

Under following conditions, use of this medication is inadvisable. Its use should be withhold as it would cause harm to the patient
Liver disease (may precipitate hepatic come). Pregnancy. Adrenal insufficiency. Sodium or potassium depletion. Renal hyper-chloraemic acidosis, prolong therapy in chronic non-congestive angle closure glaucoma.

Other Precaution to be observed while taking this medication

Gout, diabetes, potassium supplements may be required.

What are possible side effects of this medication ?

Acidosis, hypokalemia, drowsiness, paresthesias. Hypersensitivity reactions, fever, rashes.

Drug Category/Class

  • Diuretics
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
  • CYP3A4 Inhibitors
  • Antiglaucoma Preparations and Miotics
  • Ophthalmologicals
  • Sensory Organs
  • Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
Prescribed For adjunctive treatment of: edema due to congestive heart failure; drug-induced edema; centrencephalic epilepsies; chronic simple (open-angle) gla...
Weight :222.245
Structure Acetazolamide
Generic Drug Acetazolamide prescribed For adjunctive treatment of: edema due to congestive heart failure; drug-induced edema; centrencephalic epilepsies; chronic simple (open-angle) gla...


Acetazolamide has 22 Brands listed

AC Mox (250 mg)AC Mox (250 mg) (Opticarma)
Aceact (250 mg)Aceta SR (250 mg)
Acetamide (250 mg)Acetamin (250 mg)
Acetariv (250 mg)Acetazolamide (250 mg)
ACMox (250 mg)Actamid (250 mg)
Actamide (250 mg)Actazid (250 mg)
Avva (250 mg)Avva SR (250 mg)
Axytex (250 mg)Cap SR
Diamox (250 mg)Iopar SR (250 mg)
P 20Synomax (250 mg)
Zac (250 mg)Zolamide (250 mg)

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