Therapeutic Classification and Category of Drugs.
Generic drugs are categoriesd in different groups, categories or classes on the basis of the chemical characteristics type of the active ingredient or structure or by the way it is used to treat a particular medical condition/ailment/disease or mode of action, route of administration, biological system affected, or therapeutic effect. Each drug can be classified into one or more drug categories or classes or groups.
Generic Drug Scan currently has 1073 Therapeutic Classifications/Categories of Drugs listed. Agains Each category, one can further explore the list of generics, respective brands and price of the drug.
Information is being updated regularly, keep visiting this site for update.
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Cholinergic Agents
Any drug used for its actions on cholinergic systems. Included here are agonists and antagonists, drugs that affect the life cycle of ACETYLCHOLINE, and drugs that affect the survival of cholinergic neurons. The term cholinergic agents is sometimes still used in the narrower sense of MUSCARINIC AGONISTS, although most modern texts discourage that usage.
2 Generic Drugs Available under Drug Class/Category : Cholinergic Agents