Post Menopausal Bleeding : Information |
Introduction : Post Menopausal Bleeding |
Postmenopausal bleeding is a condition in which vaginal bleeding occurs at least 12 months after woman periods have stopped. Once a woman is at her menopausal age (45-49 years normally) has lasted 12 months without a period, she is believed to be in menopause stage. It is not normal to bleed after post menopause. Women with postmenopausal bleeding should always see a doctor, in order to rule out serious medical problems even if there is spotting. References:
Causes : Post Menopausal Bleeding |
Several health conditions are associated with postmenopausal bleeding, these conditions include: - Inflammation and thinning of the vaginal lining or thinning of the womb lining (endometrial atrophy) caused by lower estrogen levels
- Polyps: Cervical or womb polyps, which are usually non-cancerous, can form in the cervix (neck of the womb) or womb
- Hormonal replacement therapy: A thickened womb lining (endometrial hyperplasia) caused by hormone replacement therapy
- Abnormalities of the cervix or the womb
- Endometrial thickening: In this condition, the lining of the uterus (endometrium) becomes thick, usually as a result of too much estrogen and too little progesterone, and bleeding may occur as a result.
- Endometrial cancer (uterine cancer): Bleeding after menopause can be a sign of endometrial cancer.
- Other causes includes: Infection of the uterus or cervix, Certain medications such as blood thinners, and other types of cancer can cause postmenopausal bleeding.
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Diagnosis : Post Menopausal Bleeding |
For diagnosing the exact cause. Doctor may ask for the medical history and may conduct a pap smear test. Further test that may be advised are: - A vaginal ultrasound
- An endometrial biopsy (sample of the womb lining)
- Hysteroscopy
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Management : Post Menopausal Bleeding |
Treatment depends on the cause of the post menopausal bleeding: - If bleeding is due to polyps, surgery may be required to remove them.
- Endometrial atrophy can be treated with medication such as oestrogen cream or pessaries , If post menopausal bleeding is due to endometrial hyperplasia, it might be treated with hormone treatment (progestin) or total hysterectomy (surgery to remove cervix, uterus and ovaries) .
- If post menausal bleeding is due to hormonal replacement therapy, HRT may be decreased/stopped depending upon the condition.
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Medical Condition : Post Menopausal Bleeding : Reproductive System |
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