Pinguecula : Information |
Introduction : Pinguecula |
Pinguecula (derived from Latin word pinguis, which means fat) represents an area of bulbar conjunctival thickening adjoining limbus in the palpebral fissure area. Pinguecula are less transparent than normal conjunctiva and often have a fatty appearance. They are usually bilateral, triangular, elevated, white to yellow in colour, horizontally oriented, and are located nasally much more often than temporally. They may also present on both the nasal and temporal conjunctiva in the eyes of some patients. Pinguecula does not cross the limbus, and current information suggests that pinguecula does not progress to pterygium and that the two are distinct disorders. Pinguecula are associated with a two to three fold increase in incidence of age-related macular degeneration, possibly through a common light exposure effect (Pham TQ et al). Degenerations of the conjunctiva are common conditions that, in most cases, have relatively little effect on ocular function and vision. These conditions increase in prevalence with increasing age as a result of past inflammation, of long-term toxic effects of environmental exposure, or of ageing itself. Conjunctival degenerations may be associated with chronic irritation, dryness, or previous history of trauma. Sundaram Venki, Barsam Allon, Alwitry Amar, Khaw Peng T. Oxford Specialty Training: Training in Ophthalmology- the essential clinical curriculum. Oxford University Press. 2009. P 24. Sihota Ramanjit, Tandon Radhika. Parson's Diseases of the Eye. Reed Elsevier India Private Limited. 22nd Edition. 2015. P. 184. Yanoff Myron, Duker Jay S. Ophthalmology Third Edition. Mosby Elsevier 2009. P. 248. Yanoff Myron, Sassani Joseph W. Ocular pathology. Seventh Edition. Elsevier Saunders. 2015. P. 212- 213. Bartlett Jimmy D, Jaanus Siret D. Clinical Ocular Pharmacology. Fifth Edition. Elsevier Health Sciences. 2008. P. 476. Friedman Neil J, Kaiser Peter K. Essentials of Ophthalmology. First Edition. Saunders Elsevier. 2007. P. 160. Foster C Stephen, Azar Dimitri T, Dohlman Claes H. Smolin and Thofts The Cornea: Scientific Foundations & Clinical Practice. Fourth Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2005. P. 875. Nema H V, Nema Nitin. Textbook of Ophthalmology. Sixth Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2012. P 138. Basak Samar K. Atlas of Clinical Ophthalmology. Second Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2013. P 57. Saxena S. Clinical Ophthalmology: Medical and Surgical Approach. Second Edition. Jaypee-Highlights Medical Publishers, Inc. 2011, New Delhi. P. 31- 32. Bowling Brad. Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology - A Systematic Approach. Eighth Edition. Elsevier. 2016. P. 162. Khurana A. K. Ophthalmology. New Age International (P) Limited. Third edition. 2003. P. 105. Copeland Jr Robert A, Afshari Natalie A. Copeland and Afsharis Principles and Practice of CORNEA Vol.1. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2013. P. 806. Dushku N, Hatcher SL, Albert DM, Reid TW. p53 expression and relation to human papillomavirus infection in pingueculae, pterygia and limbal tumours. Arch Ophthalmol. 1999; 117: 1593- 1599. Pham TQ, Wang JT, Rochtchina E, Mitchell P. Pterygium/pinguecula and the five-year incidence of age related maculopathy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005; 139: 536- 537. |
Symptoms : Pinguecula |
Pinguecula are usually asymptomatic. Pinguecula are associated only rarely with any symptoms other than a minimal cosmetic effect. Ocular (eye) symptoms include:
Pinguecula remains relatively free from congestion and becomes conspicuous when the eye is inflamed. They may become red with surface keratinisation. When inflamed, the diagnosis of pingueculitis is given. |
Causes : Pinguecula |
The causes of pinguecula are not known with certainty. Pinguecula are more likely in males, welders and older individuals living in warmer climates. Pinguecula are more common than pterygium. Evidence suggests its association with:
Diagnosis : Pinguecula |
The diagnosis is usually clinical and may require slit-lamp biomicroscopy. Clinical features:
Histopathology: Pinguecula are characterised by elstotic degeneration of the collagen with hyalinisation of the conjunctival stroma, collection of basophilic elastotic fibers, and granular deposits.
The control of elastogenesis is seriously defective so that elastic fibers are abnormal in biochemical organisation. Normal assembly of elastic fibers is prevented due to marked reduction of elastic microfibrils. Limbal epithelial cell mutations at gene p53, probably due to ultraviolet irradiation, may be an early event in the development of pinguecula. The sub-epithelial dense concretions stain positively for lysozyme. Pinguecula may calcify with time. Electron microscopy: Under electron microscopy, the granular material consists of hollow- centered microfibrils, which are elastic fiber precursors. The material is overproduced by numerous fibroblasts that are thought to be actinically activated by sunlight exposure. Immunoassay: Immunoassay suggests an abnormal epidermal differentiation due to a decline in the expression of Pax6, K19 keratin, and MUC5AC (a protein coding gene), but an associated increase in K10 and K14 keratin. There is also active proliferation of the squamous cells, as evidenced by positive expression of Ki67, P63, and K16 keratin. Pinguecula may become inflamed due to dryness and irritation, resulting in so-called pingueculitis. The most common causes of such inflammation are:
The epithelium overlying a pinguecula can vary from atrophic and thinned to hyperplastic and thickened. Pinguecula are unlikely to undergo malignant conversion. However, a lesion that looks atypical should be approached with suspicion. Actinic keratosis, dysplastic changes, and even carcinoma can arise within the epithelium overlying a pinguecula. Pinguecula may be differentiated from:
Management : Pinguecula |
Management should be carried out under medical supervision. Management includes: Medical therapy:
Surgical therapy:
Steroids or surgical excision are discouraged unless there is chronic irritation or interference with the use of contact lens. Prognosis: Pinguecula may grow slowly over time but are associated with minimal ocular morbidity (a diseased state). |
Prevention : Pinguecula |
Prevention may include avoidance of ultraviolet-light exposure and use of ultraviolet-blocking spectacles. |
Medical Condition : Pinguecula : Eye Ophthalmology |