Pellucid Marginal Degeneration : Information |
Introduction : Pellucid Marginal Degeneration |
Pellucid marginal degeneration (PMD) is a bilateral (may be asymmetric), progressive, inferior crescentic peripheral thinning of the cornea. There is no vascularisation, infiltration or scarring in the area of involved cornea. Band of thinning measures about 1 to 2mm in width and extends from 4 to 8 oclock position (about 6 to 8mm), leaving a normal band of 1 to 2mm from the limbus. The condition affects both men and women between 20 to 40 years of age. The condition results in high irregular astigmatism and rarely may develop acute hydrops (stromal oedema due to leakage of aqueous humour through breaks in Descemets membrane) or even perforation. It differs from keratoconus in that it has no iron ring, its thinning is in inferior part without a cone; and the corneal protrusion is located above (rather than) in the area of thinning. Pellucid marginal degeneration and keratoconus may exist in the same eye and in different eyes of the same patient. This association in the same patient suggests that pellucid marginal degeneration, keratoconus and keratoglobus (generalised thinning and globular protrusion of the cornea) may be varying spectrum of the same pathophysiology rather than separate disease processes. The central cornea is usually of normal thickness, and the epithelium overlying the area of thinning is intact. Rarely, it may involve superior part of cornea. Schalaeppi (1957), coined the term pellucid marginal degeneration to describe a progressive and non-inflammatory peripheral corneal thinning disorder. The word pellucid, meaning clear, was used to denote the clarity of the cornea in this condition despite the presence of ectasia. The cause of pellucid marginal degeneration is not clearly established, but collagen abnormalities such as that occur in keratoconus have been reported. The condition is rare, but there may be a considerable underestimation of the incidence because these patients are often misdiagnosed as having keratoconus. Early cases of pellucid marginal degeneration may be diagnosed with corneal topography/videokeratography (maps the surface curvature of the cornea) only. Basak Samar K. Jaypee Gold Standard Mini Atlas Series: Diseases of the cornea. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2011. P 168- 170. Agarwal Sunita, Agarwal Athiya, Apple David J, Buratto Lucio, Alio Jorge L, Pandey Suresh K and Agarwal Amar. Textbook of Ophthalmology Volume 1. First Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2002. New Delhi. P 1084. Nema HV, Nema Nitin. Diagnostic Procedures in Ophthalmology. Third Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2014. P 53. Roy Frederick Hampton. Master Techniques in Ophthalmic Surgery. Second Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2015. P 148- 151. Roy Frederick Hampton, Fraunfelder Frederick W, Fraunfelder Frederick T. Roy and Fraunfelders Current Ocular Therapy. Sixth Edition.Saunders Elsevier. 2008. P 386- 388. Brightbill Frederick S, McDonnell Peter J, Farjo Ayad A, McGhee Charles NJ, Serdarevic Olivia N. Corneal Surgery- Theory, Technique and Tissue. Fourth Edition. Mosby Elsevier. 2009. P 237- 238. Wang Ming, Swartz Tracy Schroeder. Irregular Astigmatism Diagnosis and Treatment. SLACK Incorporated 2008. P 53- 59. Boyd Samuel, Gutierrez Angela Maria, McCulley James P. Atlas and Text of Corneal Pathology and Surgery. Jaypee Highlights Medical Publishers Inc. 2011. Panama. P 248- 249. Copeland Jr Robert A, Afshari Natalie A.Copeland and Afsharis Principles and Practice of CORNEA Vol.1. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2013. P 819- 831. Heegaard Steffen, Grossniklaus Hans. Eye Pathology- An Illustrated Guide. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 2015. P 115. Yanoff Myron, Sassani Joseph W. Ocular Pathology. Seventh Edition. Elsevier Saunders. 2015. P 286. Yanoff Myron, Duker Jay S. Ophthalmology. Third Edition. Mosby Elsevier 2009. P 299- 302. John Thomas. The Chicago Eye and Emergency Manual. Jaypee- Highlights Medical Publishers, Inc. 2011. P 58. Sihota Ramanjit, Tandon Radhika. Parsons Diseases of the Eye. Twenty second Edition. Reed Elsevier India Private Limited 2015. P 218. Nema HV, Nema Nitin. Textbook of Ophthalmology. Fifth Edition. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. 2008. P 171. Schlaeppi V. La dystrophie marginal inferiure pellucid de la cornee. Probl Actuels Ophthalmol. 1957: 1: 672- 677 (French). |
Symptoms : Pellucid Marginal Degeneration |
Pellucid marginal degeneration is usually asymptomatic except for visual deterioration. Symptoms may be:
Rarer symptoms are:
Causes : Pellucid Marginal Degeneration |
The exact cause of pellucid marginal degeneration is not clear and it is not known whether PMD, keratoconus, and keratoglobus are distinct diseases or phenotypic variations of the same disorder. Due to the concomitant presence of PMD with keratoconus in the same eye, many have proposed that PMD is a peripheral form of keratoconus. To date, there is no evidence that PMD is genetically inherited. Several conditions have been reported in patients with PMD, but none of them show an obvious pathogenic association. Associated conditions:
The exact pathophysiology of PMD has not been ascertained, but it is thought to be secondary to collagen abnormalities of cornea, similar to keratoconus. |
Diagnosis : Pellucid Marginal Degeneration |
Diagnosis depends upon history, slit-lamp examination, pachymetry (measures thickness of the cornea) and corneal topography. Patients with PMD typically present with progressive reduction in vision or longstanding poor vision, resulting from large magnitude of irregular, against-the-rule astigmatism. Against-the-rule astigmatism is the condition in which horizontal meridian is steepest and it can be corrected by a minus cylinder in the vertical axis or the plus cylinder in the horizontal axis. There may be sudden reduction in vision and photophobia due to acute hydrops, being produced by breaks in Descemet s membrane. PMD is a bilateral condition but unilateral cases have also been described. This condition most commonly involves inferior cornea, but involvement of superior, nasal and temporal quadrants of cornea has been reported as well. Clinical signs of PMD:
Unlike keratoconus, PMD usually does not show signs of Fleischer s ring, corneal infiltration, vascularisation, scarring or lipid deposition. Since there is no obvious cone, cornea does not exhibit Munson s sign (a V-shaped deformation of the lower eyelid when the eye turns downward) or Rizutti s sign (a sharply focussed beam of light near nasal limbus produced by lateral illumination of the temporal limbus).
Classification or stages of PMD: Being a rare disorder no clearly defined, guidelines have been proposed to categorise the severity of the condition. However, the ectatic process advances over time and it is suggested to have three stages:
Histopathology: Light microscopy may show irregularity in epithelium with oedema, increase in stromal mucopolysaccharides as well as an irregular Bowman s membrane with ruptures at places. There may be folds in Descemet s membrane and stromal thinning. Electron microscopy may show breaks in Bowman s layer, irregular arrangement of stroma with the presence of extracellular, granular electron-dense deposits. There is absence of inflammatory cells. Scanning electron microscopy may reveal unusual electron-dense areas of fibrous long-spacing collagen in the peripheral thinned areas, scattered amongst regions of mostly normal collagen. Differential diagnosis: PMD is most frequently misdiagnosed as the more common corneal ectatic condition of keratoconus.
Management : Pellucid Marginal Degeneration |
Management should be carried out under medical supervision. Medical therapy: Vast majority of patients with PMD are managed by medical therapy. Management of PMD is dependent on the severity of the disease. Mild stage:
Moderate stage:
Advanced stage:
Advantages of scleral contact lenses are: - They are supported by the sclera thus reducing lid sensation. - They provide good centration, thus high-powered lenses remain static. - They are unlikely to dislodge upon blinking. - They vault the area of the cornea affected by the disease making irregular topography less of a problem to fit. - There is less risk of foreign body entrapment. Disadvantages of scleral contact lenses are: - Poor oxygen transfer to cornea. - Difficulties in application as compared to corneal RGP lenses. - Complicated manufacturing processes. - Relatively few practitioners are experienced in fitting such lenses. Surgical therapy:
Penetrating keratoplasty: In general, patients with PMD are usually poor candidates for penetrating keratoplasty as the corneal thinning occurs close to the limbus. As a result, large eccentric grafts are required and must be positioned very close to the limbus thus increasing the chances of graft rejection, suture-induced complications and corneal neovascularisation. Penetrating keratoplasty also induces large amounts of post-operative astigmatism which may be difficult to correct due to variation in the graft-host thickness. Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK): In deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK), the anterior third to two-thirds of the cornea is replaced with donor tissue. Lamellar crescentic keratoplasty: In lamellar crescentic keratoplasty, crescent-shaped donor lamellar cornea is used. Lamellar crescentic keratoplasty was used earlier to treat PMD. Lamellar thermo- keratoplasty (LTK): Lamellar thermo-keratoplasty (LTK) is an adaptation of lamellar crescentic keratoplasty. This involves thermal shrinkage of the host lamellar bed, prior to the placement and suturing of the crescent-shaped donor lamellar cornea. Lamellar crescentic resection (LCR): Lamellar crescentic resection (LCR) involves excision of the abnormally thinned stroma and then re-approximation of the near-normal thickness edges. The major advantage is that no donor tissue is required. Corneal wedge excision/resection: Corneal wedge excision/resection is similar to lamellar crescentic resection, except that it involves full thickness corneal tissue removal followed by re-apposition of the remaining normal thickness cornea using sutures. Epikeratoplasty: Epikeratoplasty is a rare form of surgery used for PMD. This is a type of on-lay lamellar keratoplasty in which a lens made of human corneal tissue is sutured onto the anterior surface of the cornea to change its anterior curvature and refraction. Tuck-in lamellar keratoplasty: Tuck-in lamellar keratoplasty refers to a central lamellar keratoplasty with intrastromal tucking of the peripheral flange.
PMD patients presenting with acute hydrops or corneal perforation may be treated with glue tissue adhesive, bandage soft contact lenses, crescentic lamellar keratoplasty, penetrating keratoplasty or deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty. Prognosis: Pellucid marginal degeneration progresses slowly over the years and may result in severe visual deterioration. Being rare, no large scale longitudinal studies are reported. Since pellucid marginal degeneration affects corneal periphery, contact lens fitting and surgical correction is more difficult as compared to keratoconus. |
Medical Condition : Pellucid Marginal Degeneration : Eye Ophthalmology |