Ligneous Conjunctivitis : Information |
Introduction : Ligneous Conjunctivitis |
Ligneous conjunctivitis (LC) is a rare, potentially sight and even life-threatening (e.g. by airway obstruction) disorder characterised by recurrent, often bilateral fibrin-rich pseudo-membranous lesions of wood-like consistency that develop mainly on the tarsal conjunctiva. It is the main clinical manifestation of systemic plasminogen deficiency and typically presents in childhood. There appears to be a higher incidence in females as compared to males. With plasminogen deficiency, wound-healing capability is diminished and is most pronounced in mucous membranes, such as conjunctiva. Plasminogen is converted to plasmin by plasminogen activators in the blood. Plasmin is a serine protease and is the predominant fibrinolytic enzyme in the human circulation, and is also found in the extracellular matrix. Plasmin plays an important role in haemostasis, as well as, is an integral component of wound healing (acts by degrading fibrin). Due to plasminogen deficiency, fibrin rich membranes or mucous strands accumulate, which on desiccation of the fibrin leads to the ligneous consistency of the conjunctival lesions. Episodes may be triggered by relatively minor trauma, surgery (done particularly for pterygium or pinguecula) or by systemic events such as fever and anti-fibrinolytic therapy. Similar mechanisms occur in extra-ocular manifestations of plasminogen deficiency. Bouisson in 1847 first described a man with bilateral pseudo-membranous conjunctivitis (Bouisson M. Ophthalmic sur-aigue avec formation de pseudo-membranes a la surface de la conjonctive. Ann Ocul, 1847; 17: 100-4). In 1933, the term ligneous, meaning woody was introduced by Borel to describe the characteristic wood-like consistency of the pseudo-membranes (Borel MG. Un nouveau syndrome palpebral. Bull Soc Fr Ophthalmol 1933; 46: 168-80). However, the link between LC and plasminogen deficiency was established in 1997 by Mingers et al (Mingers AM, Heimburger N, Zeitler P, et al. Homozygous type I plasminogen deficiency. Semin Thromb Hemost 1997; 23:259-69). As many patients develop similar pseudo-membranes in other mucous membranes of the body, Mingers et al. suggested the term pseudo-membranous disease to describe the systemic nature of this disease. Although the lesions have been referred to as pseudo-membranous (a pseudo-membrane consists of a loose fibrin-cellular debris exudates not adherent to the underlying epithelium, from which it can be easily stripped, usually without bleeding) in the literature, the lesions are actually true membranes (a true membrane consists of an exudate of fibrin-cellular debris firmly attached to the underlying epithelium by fibrin. On attempted removal, the epithelium is stripped off and leaves a raw bleeding surface). LC is rare, and the prevalence of this disorder has not been firmly established. LC can occur in older individuals, despite it being classically associated with infants and children. Less frequently, LC may lead to similar membrane formation in mucous membranes of other organs, such as:
Rarely, it may also cause:
Several studies have shown extra-ocular manifestations of severe plasminogen deficiency even without ocular involvement. Histopathological findings indicate that impaired wound healing, mainly of injured mucosal tissue, is due to markedly decreased, plasmin-mediated extracellular fibrinolysis. LC is characterised by multiple recurrences after local excision, and management involves the adjunctive use of topical and systemic replacement of plasminogen.;year=2012;volume=60;issue=6;spage=563;epage=566;aulast=Tok HollandEdward J, Mannis Mark J, Lee W Barry. Ocular Surface Disease - Cornea,Conjunctiva and Tear Film. Elsevier Saunders. 2013. P. 183-188. Bowling Brad. Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology - A Systematic Approach. Eighth Edition. Elsevier. 2016. P.160. Yanoff Myron, Sassani Joseph W. Ocular Pathology. Elsevier Saunders. Seventh Edition. 2015. P. 203. Shields Jerry A, Shields Carol L. Eyelid, Conjunctival, and Orbital Tumors An Atlas and Textbook. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a Wolters Kluwer business. Second Edition. 2012. P. 418. Bouisson M. Ophthalmic sur-aigue avec formation de pseudomembranes a la surface de la conjonctive. Ann Ocul 1847; 17: 100-4. Borel MG. Un nouveau syndrome palpebral. Bull Soc Fr Ophthalmol 1933; 46: 168-80. Barabino S, Rolando M. Amniotic membrane transplantation in a case of ligneous conjunctivitis. Am J Ophthalmol 2004; 137: 752-753. Mingers AM, Heimburger N, Zeitler P, et al. Homozygous type I plasminogen deficiency. Semin Thromb Hemost 1997; 23:259-69. Melikian H E. Treatment of ligneous conjunctivitis. Ann Ophthalmol 1985; 17: 763-65. Schuster V, Seregard S. Ligneous Conjunctivitis. Surv Ophthalmol 2003; 48: 369-88. |
Symptoms : Ligneous Conjunctivitis |
Patients typically present with chronic conjunctivitis and LC is bilateral in about half of the cases. Duration of disease varies from few months to many years. According to the severity, ocular (eye) symptoms may be: Early cases show:
Severe cases may have:
A conjunctival lesion is commonly noted by parents. Systemic symptoms: Oro-pharynx: After conjunctival involvement, the second most frequently affected site is mouth. There may be:
Respiratory Tract:
Genitourinary Tract: Ligneous lesions occurring in the female genital tract, most commonly affects cervix, causing ligneous cervicitis. Lesions may also involve vagina, fallopian tubes, ovary and endometrium of uterus. This may cause:
Juvenile Colloid Milium of the skin: This is a rare skin condition characterised by the development of small, yellow-brown, translucent papules. Congenital Occlusive Hydrocephalus: LC patients may rarely have congenital occlusive hydrocephalus. |
Causes : Ligneous Conjunctivitis |
There is evidence to support that ligneous conjunctivitis is the result of plasminogen deficiency. There are two types of plasminogen deficiency:
Type I deficiency is the type most associated with LC. With plasminogen deficiency, wound-healing capability is diminished and is most pronounced in mucous membranes, such as the conjunctiva. The impaired wound healing capacity causes an arrest of granulation tissue formation and excessive fibrin deposition. Thus, fibrin rich membranes or mucous strands accumulate, stimulating inflammatory cells and fibroblasts, while desiccation of the fibrin leads to the ligneous consistency of the conjunctival lesions. Similar patho-physiologic mechanisms occur in extra-ocular manifestations of plasminogen deficiency. While in extra-vascular spaces, fibrinolysis, with low to non-existent levels of plasminogen activity, is impaired. However, in vessels this is not the case, as can be inferred from the fact that thrombotic phenomena is absent in patients with LC and plasminogen deficiency. It has been suggested that non-plasmin induced fibrinolysis is intensified in patients with plasminogen deficiency and ligneous conjunctivitis. Genetics of disease: Genetics of the disease allows for prenatal diagnosis in known carrier families, which may be crucial in cases of obstructive congenital hydrocephalous. Development of ligneous lesions is caused by:
Diagnosis : Ligneous Conjunctivitis |
The diagnosis of LC is based on the clinical picture (ocular and/or extra-ocular membranous lesions), the typical histological findings, and a possible positive family history. In most patients with LC, hypo-plasminogenaemia may be found. If the responsible mutation has been identified in an affected family, then prenatal diagnosis of children at risk is possible. Ocular Features: Examination of eyes should be carried out under slit-lamp (bio-microscopy) by an eye-specialist. Patients typically present with chronic conjunctivitis. Discharge or membranes are not seen in the early stages. Conjunctival ligneous lesions: The earliest true ligneous lesion appears as a highly vascularised, raised, friable lesion. It may be covered by a thick yellow-white mucoid discharge. This lesion can be removed easily with forceps, although it tends to bleed on removal. With continued inflammation, a white, thickened, avascular mass appears above the neo-vascular membrane. Attempts at removal of this lesion often results in recurrence of the lesion to its original size within days. These lesions are most often seen on the palpebral conjunctiva of the upper and lower eyelids but may also be found on the bulbar conjunctiva, including the limbus. Bulbar conjunctival involvement may occur either de novo or from extension of a palpebral lesion. Despite appropriate therapy, inflammation may continue, and the chronic lesions become thickened, vascularised, and firm, giving rise to the name ligneous meaning woody. Corneal lesions: Limbal lesions may extend over the surface of the cornea and may lead to corneal:
Systemic Features: Fever or infections of the upper respiratory tract, urinary tract, or female genital tract, may either precede or concomitantly occur with LC, or might even act as a trigger for the development of membranes. Oro-pharynx: Membranous lesions may cause:
Ears: Membranous lesions may occur on:
Respiratory Tract: Ligneous lesions may involve:
Genitourinary Tract: Ligneous lesions in female genital tract may involve:
Juvenile Colloid Milium: This is a rare skin condition characterised by the development of small, yellow-brown, translucent papules, typically in sun-exposed areas of the skin. It tends to occur prior to puberty. Congenital Occlusive Hydrocephalus: LC patients are also reported to suffer from congenital occlusive hydrocephalus. Laboratory diagnosis:
Histopathological/ Immuno-histochemical evaluation: Histological examination of ligneous membranes shows superficial or sub-epithelial deposits of eosinophilic amorphous hyaline, amyloid-like material with a variable proportion of granulation tissue with accompanying inflammatory cells (lymphocytes, plasma cells and granulocytes). This amorphous hyaline material contains mainly fibrin and other plasma proteins, such as albumin and immune-globulins (mainly IgG). Ligneous lesions may also contain variable amounts of muco-polysaccharides in adjacent granulation tissue. Abnormal vascular permeability has also been suggested as the source of various components of the ligneous lesions. Melikian postulated that a sero-fibrinous transudate from the conjunctival neovascularisation undergoes subsequent coagulation, with the resulting formation of granulation tissue and accumulation of the hyaline material, which becomes hardened and form ligneous membranes. (Melikian H E. Treatment of ligneous conjunctivitis. Ann Ophthalmol 1985; 17: 763-65) Immuno-histochemical evaluation of LC lesions showed a cellular infiltrate that was composed mainly of T lymphocytes. Immuno-fluorescent techniques demonstrated that the major components of the hyaline material in the substantia propria were immune-globulins (mainly IgG). Topical cyclosporine A has been reported to be more effective than other topical agents (short of plasminogen preparations) in the treatment of this disorder. Cyclosporine A prevents the activation and recruitment of the T-cell response. Finally, a decrease in the number of B lymphocytes and plasma cells occur. These results indicate the local effect of cyclosporine A on the immune-response. The clinical response and histopathological confirmation of the effect of Cyclosporine A further support the inflammatory nature of this disease. Ligneous conjunctivitis should be differentiated from: Any inflammatory or infectious disease which can cause a chronic pseudo-membranous conjunctivitis, such as:
Management : Ligneous Conjunctivitis |
Management should be carried out under medical supervision. Management of LC tends to be unsatisfactory and spontaneous resolution is rare. It is important to discontinue any anti-fibrinolytic therapy. Medical therapy:
Surgical therapy: Because trauma to the conjunctiva is likely to be an aetiological factor in LC, conjunctival surgery must be performed with utmost care.
Immediately after surgery, the patient is continued on systemic and topical FFP, and started on a corticosteroid, broad-spectrum antibiotic and topical cyclosporine A. These medications are given after surgery, as early recurrence is the hallmark of this disorder. A small but significant amount of recurrence will be seen daily in every patient, and every recurrent lesion must be debrided daily. If abnormal tissue is allowed to collect for even 1 to 2 days, it will act as a barrier and prevent the topical medications from reaching the basal tissue, which is the origin of ligneous membranes. Repeat excision is conducted for the recurrent lesions.
Surgical intervention may be needed to relieve obstruction in patients with congenital occlusive hydrocephalus. Prognosis: The prognosis for ligneous conjunctivitis is variable and is based upon the extent, length and the affected site producing symptoms. It depends on the ability to control inflammation and recurrence of pseudo-membranes. Patients with corneal involvement have poorer visual prognosis. Many patients have lived into adulthood. Many patients experienced significant morbidity, including loss of function of an affected organ, such as loss of sight or loss of dentition. Systemic involvement of respiratory tract (tracheo-bronchial lesions) with pseudo-membranes may be life threatening due to respiratory failure. This group of patients are in need of specific therapy that treat and prevent these lesions and the sequelae thereof. The quality of life of untreated patients with significant disease is not optimal. |
Prevention : Ligneous Conjunctivitis |
There is no primary preventive measure for this disease as it is often inherited. |
Medical Condition : Ligneous Conjunctivitis : Eye Ophthalmology |
Disease Conditions |
Leprosy |
Leptospirosis |
Leukemia |
Lichen Planus |
Ligneous Conjunctivitis |
Low Vision and VisuaI Aids |
Lymphoedema |