O Mile (100 Mg)

O Mile 100 mg - (Cefixime) Tablet | Price, Usage, Dosage, and Brand Substitutes with similar Generic (Salt) Composition. - www.genericdrugscan.com 

O Mile (100 mg) [Cefixime]

Drug brand O Mile (100 mg) is being manufactured and marketed by Ravian Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd. The main active ingredient or salt in this drug is Cefixime. This drug comes in the form of Tablet. The general packing available for this medicine consists of 10 Tablet and is priced at Rs 56.00 (arround $0.784 US Dollar)
Generic :Cefixime
Pharma Company :Ravian Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
Brand Label :O Mile (100 mg)
Preparation Type :Tablet
Single Dose :1 Tablet
Composition :Cefixime-100 mg
Pack Size/Qty/Vol :10 Tablet
Price Unit :Rs 5.6
Price Pack :Rs 56.00 INR (arround $0.784 US Dollar)

Drug details for O Mile (100 mg)

Usage: Why is this medication prescribed?

The main active ingredient or salt in O Mile (100 mg) is Cefixime.

Cefixime is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as bronchitis (infection of the airway tubes leading to the lungs); gonorrhea (a sexually transmitted disease); and infections of the ears, throat, tonsils, and urinary tract. Cefixime is in a class of medications called cephalosporin antibiotics. It works by killing bacteria.

Antibiotics such as cefixime will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. Using antibiotics when they are not needed increases your risk of getting an infection later that resists antibiotic treatment.

O Mile (100 mg) - Cefixime - For more details on its Indication, Prescription, Usage, Dosage, Precaution, Side Effects etc, please check : O Mile (100 mg) - Cefixime..

Generic Drug Substitutes for : O Mile (100 mg)

There are 537 brands listed here as Generic Substitutes for O Mile (100 mg), which have same salt or similar Generic composition (i.e. Cefixime-100 mg).
Please note that one can request a doctor or pharmacist to substitute a generic version of the prescribed drug brand, if any. So far as quality and performance of generic version is concerned, mostly, Generics with the same active ingredient (here i.e. Cefixime-100 mg), are just as appropriate and effective for patient treatment as otherwise, the prescribed branded one

BrandPrice (Rs.)BrandPrice (Rs.)
3A Xim DT (100 mg) 120.00A Cef O (100 mg) 560.00
Ab Cef (100 mg) 70.50AB Fax (100 mg) 101.00
Abifix (100 mg) 115.00Abifix (100 mg) 115.00
Acefim (100 mg) 155.00Acrotex (100 mg) 100.00
Aelxim (100 mg) 90.00Aelxim Susp (100 mg) 87.00
Afixe (100 mg) 98.00Afixim DT (100 mg) 99.90
AIM DT (100 mg) 65.00AIM Kid (100 mg) 150.00
Alcef O (100 mg) 80.00Alfaxime (100 mg) 80.00
Alfi (100 mg) 110.00Alfix (100 mg) (Akpash Pharma) 50.00
Almocef (100 mg) 80.00Alsef O (100 mg) 85.00
Amaxime (100 mg) 59.00Amicef (100 mg) 80.00
Amoxim DT (100 mg) 79.50Anafix (100 mg) 70.30
Anfix DT (100 mg) 156.00Aqcef DS (100 mg) 77.00
Aramis (100 mg) 115.50Arcefim (100 mg) 155.00
Aricef DT (100 mg) 125.00Arifix (100 mg) 75.00
Aroxim (100 mg) 99.00Asert DT (100 mg) 49.00
Asifin (100 mg) 105.00Askacef (100 mg) 45.00
Asso (100 mg) 100.00Astute (100 mg) 115.00
Athfix 100 DT 110.00Atocef DT (100 mg) 84.90
Audixim DT (100 mg) 90.00Aurcef DT (100 mg) 150.00
Avcif (100 mg) 100.00Avicef (100 mg) 105.00
Axiclav (100 mg) 900.00Axim (100 mg) 160.00
Axim DT (100 mg) 85.00Axime (100 mg) 120.64
Axiom OR (100 mg) 99.00Axycef (100 mg) 79.00
B Tax (100 mg) 99.50Bacifer (100 mg) 85.00
Bactirob (100 mg) 144.00Bafix (100 mg) 85.00
Belfix (100 mg) 100.00Beryfit (100 mg) 85.00
Bestocef DT (100 mg) 90.00Bexim O (100 mg) 80.00
Bezofix (100 mg) 105.00Bijocef (100 mg) 60.00
Biofix DT (100 mg) 120.00Biotax O (100 mg) 59.40
Biotax O DT (100 mg) 92.70Bioxime DT (100 mg) 390.00
Bioxin (100 mg) 100.00Bixi DT (100 mg) 79.00
Bixigard (100 mg) 115.00Buceff DT (100 mg) 99.00
Bygocef (100 mg) 72.50C Fix DT (100 mg) 120.00
C Tax O (100 mg) 80.85C Tax O Forte 75.95
C Tax T (100 mg) 150.00Cadifix DT (100 mg) 841.05
Cafesym 100 100.00Cafikab (100 mg) 68.00
Canvin (100 mg) 99.00Capricef (100 mg) 90.00
Carcef (100 mg) 990.00Castrov (100 mg) 100.00
Cebay DT (100 mg) 44.90Cedro CF (100 mg) 49.50
Cef-P DT (100 mg) 68.50Cefaden-O (100 mg) 52.00
Cefage (100 mg) 90.00Cefal-O (100 mg) 82.93
Cefal-O syr (100 mg) 75.00Cefan DT (100 mg) (anze biotech) 70.00
Cefan-DT (100 mg) 110.00Cefaq DT (100 mg) 80.00
Cefcem DT (100 mg) 115.00Cefclo (100 mg) 70.00
Cefco (100 mg) 130.00Cefcon (100 mg) 100.00
Cefcon DS (30 ml) 45.00Cefcon-DT (100 mg) 500.00
Cefcoy (100 mg) 80.00Cefdac (100 mg) 99.90
Cefder DT (100 mg) 75.00Cefdis (100 mg) 85.00
Cefex (100 mg) 89.00Cefexy (100 mg) 99.00
Cefi (100 mg) (Khandelwal) 125.00Cefi DT (100 mg) 125.00
Cefia (100 mg) 100.00Cefiact (100 mg) 95.00
Cefiba (100 mg) 650.00Ceficacy DT (100 mg) 120.00
Ceficin DT (100 mg) 49.00Cefidan (100 mg) 95.00
Cefidiv-DT (100 mg) 1.00Cefidot (100 mg) 90.00
Cefiend (100 mg) 100.00Cefiget (100 mg) 82.00
Cefigle (100 mg) 90.00Cefihex (100 mg) 77.00
Cefikab (100 mg) 68.00Cefikos (100 mg) 850.00
Cefilac (100 mg) 77.50Cefilac DT (100 mg) 79.00
Cefim-DT (100 mg) 117.00Cefimax (100 mg) (maxheal) 56.00
Cefimaxi (100 mg) 115.00Cefimed (100 mg) 130.00
Cefimerge (100 mg) 90.00Cefimex P 32.00
Cefimo (100 mg) 95.00Cefinar (100 mg) 80.00
Cefind-DT (100 mg) 109.00Cefinda DT (100 mg) 62.00
Cefino (100 mg) 49.00Cefinova (100 mg) 95.00
Cefion (100 mg) 232.50Cefipride (100 mg) 89.00
Cefirax-DT (100 mg) 44.00Cefiraz (100 mg) 95.00
Cefirise DT (100 mg) 59.50Cefitax-DT (100 mg) 119.00
Cefivolk (100 mg) 75.00Cefix (100 mg) 70.00
Cefix (100 mg) (Cipla) 187.20Cefix DT (100 mg) 109.00
Cefixain DT (100 mg) 99.50Cefixime 100 mg (Jan Aushadhi) 29.50
Cefixtal (100 mg) 65.00Cefixum (100 mg) 89.00
Cefiza-DT (100 mg) 125.00Cefizan (100 mg) 80.00
Cefjone (100 mg) 1.00Ceflente DT (100 mg) 76.00
Cefma (100 mg) 90.00Cefmay O (100 mg) 80.00
Cefmits DT 100 60.00Cefnij-DT (100 mg) 54.90
Cefnil 100 48.00Cefocef DT (100 mg) 129.50
Cefolac (30 ml) 61.00Cefox 100 (30 ml) 60.00
Cefox DT (100 mg) 72.00Cefpan (100 mg) 134.62
Cefpan (30 ml) 207.75Cefrita (100 mg) 75.00
Cefsan (100 mg) 90.00Cefspan (100 mg) 134.62
Cefspan (30 ml) 45.00Ceftas (100 mg) 68.70
Ceftol-DT (100 mg) 1.00Cefton-DT (100 mg) 150.00
Cefy-Kid (100 mg) 160.00Cefzim (100 mg) 55.00
Celitol DT (100 mg) 95.00Cemax (100 mg) 90.00
Cemax-O DT (100 mg) 117.50Cemaxin DT (100 mg) 70.00
Ceme (100 mg) 105.00CEO-DT (100 mg) 135.00
Ceocef O (100 mg) 90.00Ceom (100 mg) 16.00
Cevicim (100 mg) 67.60Cexim (100 mg) 104.48
Cexime (100 mg) 70.00CF (100 mg) 170.00
CFM (100 mg) 110.00Cifigold (100 mg) 73.30
Cifim-O (100 mg) 82.00Cifiwell (100 mg) 80.00
Cifotrex (100 mg) 810.00Cimaxin (100 mg) 70.00
Cinxim DT (100 mg) 110.00Cixer (100 mg) 89.00
Clancef (100 mg) 100.00Clofee (100 mg) 79.00
Cloxim (100 mg) 75.00Cnox T (100 mg) 750.00
Cocef DT (100 mg) 100.00Colceft (60 ml) 49.00
Comcef (100 mg) 400.00Concef (100 mg) 1.00
Corvette DT (100 mg) 85.00Cosamax (100 mg) 85.00
Curefix DT (100 mg) 77.50Custum (100 mg) 80.00
Daczim (100 mg) 96.00Decacef DT (100 mg) 49.50
Deocef (100 mg) 1.00Desatax O (100 mg) 130.00
Dexim O (100 mg) 96.00Diplocef 100 85.00
Dixim 100 33.98Dmfix (100 mg) 78.00
Docef (100 mg) 90.00Dotcef (100 mg) 120.00
Ducocef (100 mg) 79.00Edicef (100 mg) 98.00
Edicef (100 mg) (Edifice Lab) 45.00Efex 100 130.00
Efexim DT (100 mg) 65.00Effie (100 mg) 21.00
Efine DT (100 mg) 66.00Efixime (100 mg) 69.00
Efixyl KT (100 mg) 270.00Efysun (100 mg) 57.50
Elcef (100 mg) 110.00Elcef (100 mg) (Elite Pharma) 83.00
Elcef DT (100 mg) 125.00Elcef LA (100 mg) 66.00
Elfi DT (100 mg) 46.90Emtax DT (100 mg) 950.00
Epixime DT (100 mg) 113.00Esfix DT (100 mg) 89.00
Ethixim DT (100 mg) 65.00Eucef DT (100 mg) 100.00
Evacef O (100 mg) 18.72Excef (100 mg) 516.00
Excef DT (100 mg) 51.60Exim (100 mg) 79.90
Eximo (100 mg) 80.00Extacef DT (100 mg) 64.40
Fax (100 mg) 70.00Fevorit (100 mg) 68.00
Fexim DT (100 mg) 841.05Fexiver (100 mg) 100.00
Ficsi (100 mg) 89.20Fimi (100 mg) 525.00
Finch DT (100 mg) 120.00Finix (100 mg) 85.00
Fixcef 100 89.00Fixcef DT (100 mg) 89.00
Fixi (100 mg) 119.00Fixibact (100 mg) 80.00
Fixibid (100 mg) 80.00Fixicef DT (100 mg) 105.00
Fixinic (100 mg) 109.00Fixiron (100 mg) 99.00
Fixit (100 mg) 960.00Fixitas (100 mg) 90.00
Fixivin (100 mg) 1.00Fixspor DT (100 mg) 80.00
Fixtrim DT (100 mg) 110.00Fixx DT (100 mg) 59.60
Focime L (100 mg) 119.00Freceff O (100 mg) 95.00
Froxyl (100 mg) 79.00Fuacef (100 mg) 98.00
Fumacef (100 mg) 98.00Gamafix (100 mg) 80.00
Gemfix DT (100 mg) 89.00Gix DT (100 mg) 80.50
Glocef (100 mg) 380.00Goldfin (100 mg) 118.50
GPFix DT (100 mg) 82.90Grafix DT (100 mg) 92.00
Gramfix DT (100 mg) 80.00Gramocef O DT (100 mg) 71.00
Gzbci (100 mg) 790.00Gzlcef (100 mg) 90.00
Halixim (100 mg) 59.40HB Cefi (100 mg) 70.00
Hexim (100 mg) 70.00Hifen DS (100 mg) 47.00
Hifen DT (100 mg) 45.00Hifi (100 mg) 65.00
Hofim DT (100 mg) 95.00I fix (100 mg) 950.00
Incef DT (100 mg) 76.90Indcef (100 mg) 129.00
Indcef DT (100 mg) 129.00Invado DT (100 mg) 52.00
Iofix (100 mg) 9.00Itox O (100 mg) 105.00
Jancef (100 mg) 95.00Jencef (100 mg) 86.00
Jidox DT (100 mg) 104.48Jifon DT (100 mg) 80.75
Jocef (100 mg) 114.50Jucef (100 mg) 74.90
Jyofex (100 mg) 76.90Kancef O (100 mg) 75.00
Kapdox CL (100 mg) 100.00Kapifix 100 74.90
Kefix DT (100 mg) 100.00Kencef DT (100 mg) 70.00
Kifixim (100 mg) 90.00Kindcif (100 mg) 90.00
Kixim (100 mg) 160.00Komplete (100 mg) 69.00
Kxime DT (100 mg) 78.00Kyocef 100 79.00
Labocef (100 mg) 79.00Laxim (100 mg) 162.00
Laycef (100 mg) 76.90Lenexim (100 mg) 90.00
Letix DT (100 mg) 112.62Lexime (100 mg) 63.15
Lifecif DT (100 mg) 100.00Lincef DT (100 mg) 88.00
Lyoxim (100 mg) 140.00M Tax (100 mg) 109.00
Mahacef DT (100 mg) 37.64Matchfix DT (100 mg) 109.00
Maxcef (100 mg) 97.50Maxi D (100 mg) 90.00
Maxicef DT (100 mg) 60.00Maxim (100 mg) 80.00
Maxime 100 11.00Medseff (100 mg) 59.90
Mericef (100 mg) 72.00Meriflox (100 mg) 86.00
Micfox (100 mg) 72.00Mickcef DT (100 mg) 75.00
Mifi DT (100 mg) 87.50Mifix DT (100 mg) 69.00
Milixim (100 mg) 95.00Milixim DT (100 mg) 57.55
Morexim (100 mg) 50.00Morexim 100 (30 ml) 52.00
Mtef (100 mg) 150.00Mucifi (100 mg) 80.00
Mxim (100 mg) 139.00Mycef (100 mg) 80.00
Myceff (100 mg) 45.00Myfex (100 mg) 80.00
Nayafix DT (100 mg) 850.00Nbcef DT (100 mg) 896.00
Necfix DT (100 mg) 55.00Neclix DT (100 mg) 109.70
Nexcef (100 mg) 89.00Nexim (100 mg) 78.00
Nitaxim O DT (100 mg) 130.00Novacef (100 mg) 97.50
Novacef DT (100 mg) 100.00Novafex (100 mg) 69.00
NT Cef DT (100 mg) 75.00Nuclear (100 mg) 99.00
Nufix (100 mg) 125.00Nurocef DT (100 mg) 75.00
O Powercef DT (100 mg) 270.00Ocef (100 mg) 150.00
Ocexim (100 mg) 85.00Ocix (100 mg) 89.50
Octicef O (100 mg) 59.00Odicef O DT (100 mg) 76.00
Oflomix (100 mg) 89.00Olcefone (100 mg) 119.00
Olfix (100 mg) 89.99Omcef (100 mg) 140.00
Omnatax O (100 mg) 48.09Omnatax O Biotab (100 mg) 100.00
Omnicef O DT (100 mg) 39.00Onfix (100 mg) 92.00
Orcef (100 mg) 80.00Orfix (100 mg) 88.00
Orfix DT (100 mg) 83.50Orilac (100 mg) 110.00
Orpicef DT (100 mg) 115.00Orpicef DT (100 mg) (Ortin Labs) 20.00
Osporin DT (100 mg) 45.00Oxim (100 mg) 185.00
P Cem (100 mg) 149.00P Fix (100 mg) 95.00
Pacef (100 mg) 80.00Pacixim DT (100 mg) 69.00
Paffy (100 mg) 99.00Panacef O DT (100 mg) 96.00
Pancef O (100 mg) 96.00Pexim (100 mg) 100.00
Pexim (100 mg) (Pifer Pharma) 64.00Pikcef DT (100 mg) 118.00
Pixime (100 mg) 95.00Polaxim (100 mg) 65.00
Prifix DT (100 mg) 600.00Procef (100 mg) (Cefixime) 2.00
Proxic (100 mg) 85.00Pvcif (100 mg) 97.00
Qualixime (100 mg) 84.00Race (100 mg) 70.00
Radifix (100 mg) 790.00Raxim (100 mg) 40.00
RCF (100 mg) 85.00Redicate (100 mg) 64.30
Refix (100 mg) 120.00Refix (100 mg) (Reco) 35.00
Relixime (100 mg) 90.00Reva (100 mg) 72.00
Reva DT 100 95.00Rhoxim DT (100 mg) 700.00
Ricime L (100 mg) 99.00Rimcef DT (100 mg) 240.00
Rite O Cef DT (100 mg) 71.00Rixim LB (100 mg) 1.00
S Fix DT (100 mg) 84.90Safe (100 mg) 100.00
Safex (100 mg) (Auroma Life Sciences) 100.00Sancef O (100 mg) 110.00
Sanicif (100 mg) 99.00Sarfix (100 mg) 116.00
Satixime (100 mg) 99.00Saver Kid (100 mg) 150.00
Saxim (100 mg) 166.00Saxim 100 81.00
Scortax DT (100 mg) 100.00Secef (100 mg) 99.00
Secef DT (100 mg) 85.50Sefirog (100 mg) 95.00
Sefix DT (100 mg) 94.50Seftica (100 mg) 95.00
Sefwel (100 mg) 790.00Sefxim LB DT (100 mg) 85.00
Shontax O (100 mg) 80.00SI Fixim DT (100 mg) 54.60
Siacef (100 mg) 80.00Siffy (100 mg) 94.50
Sifix (100 mg) 100.00Silcef (100 mg) 700.00
Sim DT (100 mg) 150.00Skifi (30 ml) 47.00
Snotex (100 mg) 90.00Soycex DT (100 mg) 94.25
Sozicef (100 mg) 99.50Sozim (100 mg) 67.60
Spacef (100 mg) 110.00Span DT (100 mg) 120.00
Span DT (100 mg) (Sienna Formulations) 59.00Sparcef (100 mg) 80.00
Spcef (100 mg) 90.00Sporicef (100mg) 75.00
Starfix DT (100 mg) 120.00Stepha DT (100 mg) 61.00
Suncef (100 mg) 70.00Superb (100 mg) 82.50
Suprax (100 mg) 120.00Suprax DS (30 ml) 195.00
Swabxim (100 mg) 75.00Swaxime (100 mg) 135.00
Swifexim (100 mg) 57.50Swizime DT (100 mg) 1.00
Sycef (100 mg) 550.00Syfix (100 mg) 84.90
Synocef (100 mg) 149.25Tab Span DT (100 mg) 78.00
Tarcef O DT (100 mg) 125.00Taurcef O DT (100 mg) 125.00
Taxim O (100 mg) 110.00Taxim O DT (100 mg) 119.00
Taxpic O (100 mg) 89.00Taxpic O Tab (100 mg) 72.00
Taxpik O DT (100 mg) 100.00Termiwall (100 mg) 94.50
Tifix (100 mg) 100.00Tixi DT (100 mg) 94.00
Topcare DT (100 mg) 90.00Topcef Insta Use (100 mg) 80.00
Topfix DT (100 mg) 80.00Tox O (100 mg) 120.00
Traxol O (100 mg) 59.20Tricef (100 mg) 117.00
Trixon O (100 mg) 86.65Troxim (100 mg) 120.60
Troxim Dry Syrup (100 mg) 81.00Troxim DT (100 mg) 115.00
Troxom (100 mg) 120.00Trucef DT (100 mg) 1.00
Trycef (100 mg) 130.00Ucifix CD (100 mg) 355.00
Umax (100 mg) 90.00Unicif DT (100 mg) 95.00
Unisec (30 ml) 10.00Unitax O (100 mg) 75.00
V Cef DT (100 mg) 1.00V Xime DT (100 mg) 90.00
Valcef (100 mg) 11.00Vaxim (100 mg) 105.00
Vcef O DT (100 mg) 55.00Vefix DT (100 mg) 99.00
Verixime (100 mg) 85.00Vexim DT (100 mg) 270.00
Vibazime DT (100 mg) 60.00Vifix DT (100 mg) 468.00
Vinfi (100 mg) 1.00Vinocef DT (100 mg) 90.00
Vinocef DT (100 mg) (RSM Kilitch) 90.00Viocef (100 mg) 99.00
Virexim DT (100 mg) 109.00Vizi DT (100 mg) 90.00
VJ Fix (100 mg) 99.00Voltacef (100 mg) 90.50
Winfix (100 mg) 85.80Wycef (100 mg) 594.00
X 100 (100 mg) 85.00Xave (100 mg) 120.00
XE Cure (100 mg) 1.00Xecute DT (100 mg) 50.90
Xim (100 mg) 196.00Xiotac DT (100 mg) 89.70
Zeefix (100 mg) 50.00Zefim DT (100 mg) 90.00
Zefix (100 mg) 99.00Zeftis DT (100 mg) 69.00
Zencef DT (100 mg) 125.00Zenocef (100 mg) 80.00
Zexia DT (100 mg) 1.00Zexime (100 mg) 142.00
Zifi (100 mg) 49.50Zifi DS (100 mg) 53.50
Zifi RMX (100 mg) 68.00Zim (100 mg) 90.00
Zimfix DT (100 mg) 95.00Zimnic DT (100 mg) 49.00
Zimspor (100 mg) 80.00Ziprax (100 mg) 68.00
Ziprax DT (100 mg) 58.80Zixi (100 mg) 162.00
Zixif (100 mg) 89.00Zofixi (100 mg) 98.00
Zofixime (100 mg) 70.00Zotaxime DT (100 mg) 95.00
Zoxigard DT (100 mg) 85.00Zufix DT (100 mg) 115.00
Zysafe (100 mg) 74.00

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