Docef (200 Mg)

Docef 200 mg - (Cefixime) Tablet | Price, Usage, Dosage, and Brand Substitutes with similar Generic (Salt) Composition. - 

Docef (200 mg) [Cefixime]

Drug brand Docef (200 mg) is being manufactured and marketed by Dorris Pharmaceuticals. The main active ingredient or salt in this drug is Cefixime. This drug comes in the form of Tablet. The general packing available for this medicine consists of 10 Tablet and is priced at Rs 158.00 (arround $2.212 US Dollar)
Generic :Cefixime
Pharma Company :Dorris Pharmaceuticals
Brand Label :Docef (200 mg)
Preparation Type :Tablet
Single Dose :1 Tablet
Composition :Cefixime-200 mg
Pack Size/Qty/Vol :10 Tablet
Price Unit :Rs 15.8
Price Pack :Rs 158.00 INR (arround $2.212 US Dollar)

Drug details for Docef (200 mg)

Usage: Why is this medication prescribed?

The main active ingredient or salt in Docef (200 mg) is Cefixime.

Cefixime is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as bronchitis (infection of the airway tubes leading to the lungs); gonorrhea (a sexually transmitted disease); and infections of the ears, throat, tonsils, and urinary tract. Cefixime is in a class of medications called cephalosporin antibiotics. It works by killing bacteria.

Antibiotics such as cefixime will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. Using antibiotics when they are not needed increases your risk of getting an infection later that resists antibiotic treatment.

Docef (200 mg) - Cefixime - For more details on its Indication, Prescription, Usage, Dosage, Precaution, Side Effects etc, please check : Docef (200 mg) - Cefixime..

Generic Drug Substitutes for : Docef (200 mg)

There are 685 brands listed here as Generic Substitutes for Docef (200 mg), which have same salt or similar Generic composition (i.e. Cefixime-200 mg).
Please note that one can request a doctor or pharmacist to substitute a generic version of the prescribed drug brand, if any. So far as quality and performance of generic version is concerned, mostly, Generics with the same active ingredient (here i.e. Cefixime-200 mg), are just as appropriate and effective for patient treatment as otherwise, the prescribed branded one

BrandPrice (Rs.)BrandPrice (Rs.)
3A Xim DT (200 mg) 225.00Ab Cef (200 mg) 91.80
AB Fax (200 mg) 190.00Abifix (200 mg) 199.50
Acfix (200 mg) 175.00Acrotex (200 mg) 180.00
Aelxim (200 mg) 155.70Afixe (200 mg) 170.00
Afixim (200 mg) 199.00AIM (200 mg) 120.00
AIM DT (200 mg) 100.00Aknicefi (200 mg) 180.00
Alcef O (200 mg) 118.00Alcef O 200 220.00
Alceft O (200 mg) 199.50Alfaxime (200 mg) 145.00
Alfi (200 mg) 200.00Alfix (200 mg) 220.00
Alfix (200 mg) (Akpash Pharma) 150.00Alicif (200 mg) 165.00
Alixime (200 mg) 199.00Almocef (200 mg) 145.00
Alsef O (200 mg) 120.00Altidor (200 mg) 180.00
Alxim (200 mg) 220.00Ambiceff (200 mg) 142.00
Amicef (200 mg) 130.00Amoxim (200 mg) 110.00
Amxime 118.00Anafix (200 mg) 130.00
Anexime (200 mg) 120.00Anfix (200 mg) 218.00
Anoxim (200 mg) 150.00Aqcef (200 mg) 97.00
Aquafix (200 mg) 800.00Aramis (200 mg) 166.00
Arcefim (200 mg) 220.00Aricef DT (200 mg) 200.00
Arifix (200 mg) 99.00Aroxim (200 mg) 180.00
Asert (200 mg) 89.00Asifin (200 mg) 195.00
Asixim (200 mg) 109.00Askacef (200 mg) 65.00
Asso (200 mg) 180.00Astecef (200 mg) 145.90
Astute (200 mg) 205.00Athfix 200 DT 202.00
Atocef DT (200 mg) 159.00Atoxim (200 mg) 140.00
Audixim (200 mg) 156.00Auxime (200 mg) 160.00
Avcif (200 mg) 170.00Avicef (200 mg) 205.00
Avifixi 118.00Avixime (200 mg) 230.00
Axem (200 mg) 175.00Axiclav (200 mg) 1.00
Axim (200 mg) 300.00Axim (200 mg) (Alka Pharma) 159.50
Axim O (200 mg) 110.00Axime (200 mg) 180.96
Axiom OR (200 mg) 48.75Axycef (200 mg) 149.00
B Cef (200 mg) 145.00B Tax (200 mg) 195.00
Bacifer (200 mg) 160.00Bactirob (200 mg) 238.00
Befix 149.00Befixime (200 mg) 99.00
Belfix (200 mg) 200.00Beryfit (200 mg) 115.00
Bestocef (200 mg) 158.00Bexim O (200 mg) 81.12
Bezofix (200 mg) 140.00Bigxime (200 mg) 1.00
Bijocef (200 mg) 90.00Biocef (200 mg) 225.00
Biofix (200 mg) 229.00Biotax O (200 mg) 106.20
Bioxime (200 mg) 676.00Bixi (200 mg) 160.00
Bixigard (200 mg) 165.00Blaxime (200 mg) 135.00
Brufix (200 mg) 64.00Buceff (200 mg) 195.00
Bygocef (200 mg) 129.00C Fix (200 mg) 199.00
C Fix DT (200 mg) 220.00C Tax O (200 mg) 118.10
C Tax T (200 mg) 270.00Cadifix DT (200 mg) 1.00
Cafesym 200 158.00Canvin (200 mg) 150.00
Capricef (200 mg) 160.00Carcef (200 mg) 1.00
Castrov (200 mg) 170.00Cebay DT (200 mg) 85.00
Cedro CF (200 mg) 110.00Ceefix (200 mg) 145.60
Cef-P DT (200 mg) 126.00Cefact (200 mg) 139.00
Cefaden-O (200 mg) 230.00Cefal-O (200 mg) 116.19
Cefamax (200 mg) 11.90Cefan (200 mg) 140.00
Cefan-DT (200 mg) 159.00Cefaq (200 mg) 135.00
Cefash DT (200 mg) 125.00Cefcem (200 mg) 215.00
Cefcet (200 mg) 160.00Cefclo (200 mg) 99.00
Cefco (200 mg) 248.00Cefcon (200 mg) 180.00
Cefcon tab (200 mg) 187.50Cefcon-DT (200 mg) 850.00
Cefcoy (200 mg) 150.00Cefdac (200 mg) 165.00
Cefder (200 mg) 110.00Cefdis (200 mg) 160.00
Cefetop (200 mg) 47.60Cefex (200 mg) 169.00
Cefexy (200 mg) 165.00Ceffchem DT (200 mg) 160.00
Ceffinova (200 mg) 1.00Cefi (200 mg) 117.00
Cefi 200 99.50Cefia (200 mg) 170.00
Cefiact (200 mg) 117.00Cefiba (200 mg) 1.00
Ceficacy DT (200 mg) 200.00Ceficin DT (200 mg) 89.00
Cefidan (200 mg) 150.00Cefidiv (200 mg) 2.00
Cefidot (200 mg) 150.00Cefiend (200 mg) 180.00
Cefifurt (200 mg) 149.00Cefiget (200 mg) 145.00
Cefigram DT (200 mg) 125.00Cefihex (200 mg) 149.00
Cefikab (200 mg) 119.50Cefikos (200 mg) 1.00
Cefilac (200 mg) 169.00Cefilac (200mg) (Elixir) 118.00
Cefim (200 mg) 198.00Cefimaxi (200 mg) 195.00
Cefimed (200 mg) 230.00Cefimex 97.00
Cefimo (200 mg) 160.00Cefinar (200 mg) 89.70
Cefind (200 mg) 198.00Cefinda (200 mg) 120.00
Cefine (200 mg) 26.00Cefinet (200 mg) 160.00
Cefino (200 mg) 54.00Cefinova (200 mg) 180.00
Cefion (200 mg) 390.00Cefipride (200 mg) 169.00
Cefiras DT 200 110.00Cefiraz (200 mg) 160.00
Cefirise (200 mg) 115.00Cefitax (200 mg) 195.00
Cefitax-DT (200 mg) 195.00Cefivid (200 mg) 149.00
Cefivolk (200 mg) 112.00Cefivon (200 mg) 190.00
Cefix (200 mg) 140.00Cefix (200 mg) (Cipla) 124.80
Cefix DT (200 mg) 169.00Cefixain (200 mg) 149.50
Cefixime 200 mg (Jan Aushadhi) 47.00Cefixtal (200 mg) 110.00
Cefixum (200 mg) 107.00Cefiza (200 mg) 180.00
Cefizan (200 mg) 110.00Cefjone (200 mg) 130.00
Cefkan (200 mg) 89.00Ceflente (200 mg) 118.00
Cefluv (200 mg) 115.00Cefma (200 mg) 149.00
Cefmann (200 mg) 198.00Cefmay O (200 mg) 159.00
Cefmits DT 200 100.00Cefnij (200 mg) 162.00
Cefnil 200 99.00Cefnix (200 mg) 170.00
Cefocef DT (200 mg) 250.00Cefocef O (200 mg) 92.30
Cefolin (200 mg) 72.00Cefolite (200 mg) 140.00
Cefomarc O (200 mg) 159.62Cefonix (200 mg) 79.00
Cefont (200 mg) 300.00Cefox (200 mg) 135.00
Cefpan 200 118.00Cefrita (200 mg) 120.00
Cefrub (200 mg) 430.00Cefsan (200 mg) 220.00
Cefspan (200 mg) 232.96Ceft 200 125.00
Ceftas (200 mg) 72.08Ceftigo (200 mg) 167.50
Ceftius DT (200 mg) 139.70Ceftol (200 mg) 2.00
Ceftrim (200 mg) 199.00Cefvel DT (200 mg) 170.00
Cefy (200 mg) 300.00Cefzan DT 119.00
Cefzim (200 mg) 100.00Cemax (200 mg) 113.00
Cemax (200 mg) (merkury arena) 175.00Cemax-O (200 mg) 212.50
Cemaxin FC (200 mg) 105.00Ceme (200 mg) 355.00
Ceocef O (200 mg) 180.00Ceom (200 mg) 29.00
Ceth (200 mg) 225.00Cevicim (200 mg) 104.00
Cexim (200 mg) 167.50Cexime (200 mg) 120.00
Cfelocef 108.00CFM (200 mg) 200.00
CFM (200 mg) (Ardor) 220.00CFX (200 mg) 190.00
Cifage (200 mg) 110.00Cifgen (200 mg) 185.00
Cifigold (200 mg) 128.30Cifim-O (200 mg) 168.00
Cifiwell (200 mg) 1.00Cifnic (200 mg) 120.00
Cifotrex (200 mg) 520.00Cifslan (200 mg) 69.00
Cifzone (200 mg) 215.00Cimaxin (200 mg) 105.00
Cinxim (200 mg) 180.00Cixer (200 mg) 179.00
Cixi (200 mg) 23.00Claferon O (200 mg) 110.00
Claferon O (30 ml) 49.00Clancef (200 mg) 170.00
Claxigem DT (200 mg) 220.00Clery 200 180.00
Clofee (200 mg) 139.00Cloxim (200 mg) 117.00
Cnox T (200 mg) 1.00Cocef (200 mg) 158.00
Colcefy DT (200 mg) 165.00Comcef (200 mg) 890.00
Concef (200 mg) 1.00Corvette (200 mg) 155.00
Cosamax (200 mg) 155.00CS 200 90.00
Curefix (200 mg) 117.00Curexime (200 mg) 220.00
Custum (200 mg) 148.00Cxime 200 140.00
Cyfexee DT (200 mg) 99.90D Cefo DT (200 mg) 500.00
Daczim (200 mg) 150.00Decacef DT (200 mg) 89.50
Deltacef (200 mg) 133.30Deocef (200 mg) 1.00
Desatax O (200 mg) 155.75Dexim O (200 mg) 78.00
Dexin (200 mg) 2.00Diplocef 200 150.00
Dixim 200 58.00Dmfix (200 mg) 150.00
Dotcef (200 mg) 180.00Ducocef (200 mg) 140.00
Ecefibard (200 mg) 170.00Edicef (200 mg) 182.00
Edicef (200 mg) (Edifice Lab) 84.00Efexim (200 mg) 119.00
Efine (200 mg) 118.00Efixyl (200 mg) 490.00
Efoxim (200 mg) 88.00Efysun (200 mg) 114.00
Elcef (200 mg) 155.00Elcef LA (200 mg) 120.00
Elfi (200 mg) 69.90Emtax DT (200 mg) 1.00
Endoxim (200 mg) 210.00Epixime (200 mg) 1.00
Esfix FC (200 mg) 180.00Ethixime (200 mg) 120.00
Eucef (200 mg) 148.00Eurox (200 mg) 139.00
Evacef O (200 mg) 31.22Evapan DT (200 mg) 196.00
Excef (200 mg) 1.00Exim (200 mg) 149.90
Exime (200 mg) 190.00Exime (200 mg) (Redson Labs) 270.00
Eximo (200 mg) 130.00Extacef DT (200 mg) 109.00
F Cef (200 mg) 159.00Fabitax O 98.00
Fax (200 mg) 120.00Fax (200 mg) (Secure Healthcare) 203.00
Femcef (200 mg) 159.00Femix (200 mg) 210.00
Fevorit (200 mg) 119.00Fexim DT (200 mg) 1.00
Fexiver (200 mg) 185.00Ficsi (200 mg) 164.85
Fimi (200 mg) 1.00Finch (200 mg) 88.00
Finex O 120.00Fix me (200 mg) 135.00
Fixal (200 mg) 170.00Fixcef 200 179.00
Fixcef FC (200 mg) 160.00Fixcet (200 mg) 125.00
Fixi DT (200 mg) 199.80Fixibact (200 mg) 150.00
Fixibid DT (200 mg) 150.00Fixicef (200 mg) 180.00
Fixifine (200 mg) 120.00Fixim (200 mg) 220.00
Fiximil (200 mg) 66.00Fixiron (200 mg) 265.00
Fixit (200 mg) 1.00Fixitas (200 mg) 158.00
Fixivin (200 mg) 1.00Fixizen (200 mg) 150.00
Fixsana (200 mg) 215.00Fixsav (200 mg) 106.00
Fixtrim DT (200 mg) 160.00Fixx (200 mg) 87.38
Focime L (200 mg) 199.00Freceff O (200 mg) 194.50
Froxyl (200 mg) 150.00Fumacef (200 mg) 170.00
G Mix (200 mg) 198.00Gamafix (200 mg) 150.00
Gemfix (200 mg) 159.00Genocef (200 mg) 150.00
Genolac DT (200 mg) 1.00Gix (200 mg) 125.50
Glocef (200 mg) 740.00Gloxime 118.00
Gossicef (200 mg) 159.00GPFix (200 mg) 152.50
Grafix (200 mg) 179.00Gramfix (200 mg) 150.00
Gramocef O DT (200 mg) 130.00Gzbci (200 mg) 1.00
Gzlcef (200 mg) 159.90Halixim (200 mg) 159.00
HB Cefi (200 mg) 130.00Hexim (200 mg) 120.00
Hifen DT (200 mg) 79.00Hifi (200 mg) 120.00
Hofim DT (200 mg) 160.00Honeycef (200 mg) 89.00
I M Safe DT (200 mg) 120.00Incef DT (200 mg) 112.50
Indcef (200 mg) 255.00Indcef DT (200 mg) 255.00
Invado (200 mg) 92.00Iofix (200 mg) 18.00
Itox O (200 mg) 66.00Jancef (200 mg) 140.00
Jencef (200 mg) 162.00Jidox DT (200 mg) 167.50
Jifi (200 mg) 80.00Jifon DT (200 mg) 125.55
Jucef (200 mg) 119.90Jyofex (200 mg) 112.50
K Fix (200 mg) 197.00Kancef O (200 mg) 120.00
Kapdox CL (200 mg) 190.00Kapifix 200 139.90
Kefix Forte (200 mg) 200.00Kefixx (200 mg) 130.00
Kencef (200 mg) 125.00Kendcef DT (200 mg) 155.00
Kifixim (200 mg) 179.00Kindcif (200 mg) 145.00
Klixim (200 mg) 1.00Komplete (200 mg) 139.00
Kxime DT (200 mg) 125.00Kyocef 200 90.00
L G Cef (200 mg) 190.00Labocef (200 mg) 149.00
Lanxim (200 mg) 560.00Laxiflox C (200 mg) 99.00
Laxim (200 mg) 268.00Laximo (200 mg) 270.00
Laycef (200 mg) 112.50Leecef O (200 mg) 129.00
Lenexim (200 mg) 160.00Letix (200 mg) 145.42
Lexime (200 mg) 120.00Lexime (200 mg) (Cosmas Pharmacls) 195.00
Lexime (200 mg) (Lexus (India)) 26.00Liczim (200 mg) 185.00
Lifecif (200 mg) 150.00Lincef (200 mg) 159.00
Linicef (200 mg) 199.00Livocefix DT 111.00
Logcef DT (200 mg) 120.00Lyceft O (200 mg) 129.00
M Fix 116.00M Fixime (200 mg) 174.00
M Tax (200 mg) 199.00Mahacef DT (200 mg) 79.90
Marixime (200 mg) 150.10Matchfix (200 mg) 385.00
Maxcef (200 mg) 190.00Maxi D (200 mg) 155.00
Maxicef (200 mg) 105.00Maxim (200 mg) 147.00
Maxime 200 14.50Medicip (200 mg) 129.00
Medseff (200 mg) 119.50Megafix (200 mg) 150.00
Mericef (200 mg) 102.00Mex (200 mg) 1.00
Micfox (200 mg) 135.00Mickcef (200 mg) 135.00
Mifi (200 mg) 175.00Mifix DT (200 mg) 112.50
Milixim (200 mg) 175.00Milixim DT (200 mg) 60.00
Morexim (200 mg) 94.00Mucifi (200 mg) 110.00
Mxim (200 mg) 229.00Mycef (200 mg) 130.00
Myceff (200 mg) 80.00Mytax O (200 mg) 199.90
N Cef (200 mg) 360.00Natfix (200 mg) 117.00
Nayafix DT (200 mg) 1.00Nbcef (200 mg) 1.00
Necfix DT (200 mg) 90.00Neclix DT (200 mg) 200.40
Nexcef (200 mg) 179.00Nexim (200 mg) 90.00
Nitaxim O (200 mg) 260.00Nixim 12.20
Novacef (200 mg) 140.00Novacef DT (200 mg) 74.00
Novafex (200 mg) 118.00NP Safe (200 mg) 180.00
NT Cef (200 mg) 140.00Nuclear (200 mg) 180.00
Nufix (200 mg) 195.00Nurocef (200 mg) 145.00
O Mile (200 mg) 119.90O Powercef (200 mg) 196.00
Obfix (200 mg) 225.00Ocef (200 mg) 100.00
Ocexim (200 mg) 160.00Ocix (200 mg) 175.00
Octicef O (200 mg) 99.00Odicef O (200 mg) 87.00
Olcefone (200 mg) 198.00Olfix (200 mg) 139.99
Omcef (200 mg) 275.00Omecef (200 mg) 598.00
Omexim (200 mg) 40.00Omexime 200 110.00
Omnatax O (200 mg) 99.00Omnicef O (200 mg) 99.00
Omnix DT (200 mg) 115.25Onfix (200 mg) 173.00
Onicef LB D T (200 mg) 119.60Oraxim Forte (200 mg) 120.00
Orcef (200 mg) 118.00Orfix (200 mg) 175.00
Orilac (200 mg) 175.00Orpicef (200 mg) 198.00
Orpicef DT (200 mg) 69.50Osporin DT (200 mg) 75.00
Ourfix 112.50P CEF 200 DT 105.00
P Cem (200 mg) 290.00P Fix (200 mg) 140.00
Pacef (200 mg) 120.00Pacixim (200 mg) 139.00
Pacxime (200 mg) 200.00Paffy (200 mg) 159.00
Panacef O (200 mg) 173.00Pancef O (200 mg) 105.00
Paxikon (200 mg) 170.00Pedixim (200 mg) 173.10
Penixime (200 mg) 110.00Percef (200 mg) 1.00
Pexim (200 mg) 170.00Pexim (200 mg) (Pifer Pharma) 120.00
Phagocef DT (200 mg) 158.00Pikcef (200 mg) 149.00
Piocem (200 mg) 129.00Pixime (200 mg) 159.00
Polaxim (200 mg) 125.00Pracef 90.00
Prifix (200 mg) 1.00Procef (200 mg) (Cefixime) 1.00
Proxic (200 mg) 190.00Proxim (200 mg) (Procure Medica) 167.50
Proxim (200 mg) (Vivid Labs) 148.00Puresafe (200 mg) 160.00
Pvcif (200 mg) 195.00Qualixime (200 mg) 127.00
Qucef (200 mg) 170.00Race (200 mg) 140.00
Radifix (200 mg) 1.00Raxcef (200 mg) 160.00
Raxim (200 mg) 80.00RCF (200 mg) 135.00
Redicate (200 mg) 108.80Refix (200 mg) 170.00
Refix (200 mg) (Reco) 56.00Relixime (200 mg) 180.00
Remexim (200 mg) 129.90Reva 200 118.00
Rhoxim (200 mg) 1.00Ricime L (200 mg) 159.00
Rimon (200 mg) 165.00Rintax O (200 mg) 1.00
Rite O Cef (200 mg) 130.00Rixim LB (200 mg) 2.00
S Fix (200 mg) 159.00Safe (200 mg) 160.00
Safex (200 mg) (Auroma Life Sciences) 200.00Safex (200 mg) (Centurion) 169.00
Safexin (200 mg) 215.00Sancef O (200 mg) 170.00
Sanicif (200 mg) 215.00Sarfix (200 mg) 190.00
Satixime (200 mg) 215.00Saver (200 mg) 280.00
Saxim (200 mg) 140.00Saxim (200 mg) (Sunmax Pharma) 290.00
Scalix (200 mg) 72.50Scortax (200 mg) 180.00
Seafi (200 mg) 180.00Secef (200 mg) 105.00
Sefirog (200 mg) 184.00Sefix (200 mg) 168.00
Seftica (200 mg) 149.50Sefwel (200 mg) 1.00
Sentfy 200 DT 112.97Setcef (200 mg) 120.00
Sfixime (200 mg) 120.00Shontax O (200 mg) 135.00
SI Fixim (200 mg) 147.50SI Fixim DT (200 mg) 100.10
Siacef (200 mg) 145.00Siffy (200 mg) 184.90
Sifix (200 mg) 159.00Silcef (200 mg) 1.00
Skafim (200 mg) 199.00Skifi (200 mg) 75.00
Skifi MD (200 mg) 82.00Smax (200 mg) 145.00
Snotex (200 mg) 150.00Sonocef (200 mg) 140.00
Sovicef DT (200 mg) 144.00Soycex (200 mg) 176.90
Sozicef (200 mg) 169.00Sozim (200 mg) 114.40
Spacef (200 mg) 160.00Span 200 103.35
Sparcef (200 mg) 150.00Spcef (200 mg) 170.00
Speedoxime (200 mg) 220.00Sporicef (200mg) 135.00
Sporocef DT (200 mg) 188.50Starfix DT (200 mg) 20.00
Staxim (200 mg) 170.00Stepha (200 mg) 121.00
Sufax (200 mg) 73.50Suncef (200 mg) 130.00
Superb (200 mg) 160.00Suprax (200 mg) 200.00
Swabxim (200 mg) 135.00Swifexim (200 mg) 105.00
Swizime (200 mg) 200.00Sycef (200 mg) 1.00
Syfix (200 mg) 149.00Synocef (200 mg) 117.75
T Cef (200 mg) 279.00Tab Span (200 mg) 146.00
Takcef D (200 mg) 160.00Tanfix (200 mg) 199.00
Tarcef O (200 mg) 220.00Taurcef O (200 mg) 230.00
Taxim O (200 mg) 198.00Taxpik O (200 mg) 200.00
Termiwall (200 mg) 176.80Terrific O (200 mg) 179.90
Thecef (200 mg) 176.00Ticef (200 mg) 1.00
Tifix (200 mg) 170.00Tooccef (200 mg) 180.00
Topcare DT (200 mg) 199.00Topfix DT (200 mg) 157.50
Tox O (200 mg) 250.00Traxim (200 mg) 185.00
Traxol O FC (200 mg) 108.00Trexil (200 mg) 130.00
Trifix (200 mg) 144.00Trixime (200 mg) 129.95
Trixon O (200 mg) 109.90Troxim (200 mg) 168.30
Troxim DT (200 mg) 149.90Troxom (200 mg) 220.00
Trucef (200 mg) 195.00U Fixim (200 mg) 98.00
Umax (200 mg) 180.00Unicif DT (200 mg) 149.50
Unifix (200 mg) 125.00Unitax O (200 mg) 141.66
V Cef (200 mg) 2.00V Fixim (200 mg) 205.00
V Xime (200 mg) 155.00Valcef (200 mg) 20.00
Vaxim (200 mg) 165.00VB Cef (200 mg) 140.00
Vcef O DT (200 mg) 95.00Veedol (200 mg) 119.00
Vefix (200 mg) 215.00Verixime (200 mg) 123.00
Vexim DT (200 mg) 196.00Vicrax (200 mg) 135.00
Vifix (200 mg) 897.00Vikrax (200 mg) 135.00
Vinfi (200 mg) 2.00Vinocef (200 mg) 148.00
Vinocef (200 mg) (RSM Kilitch) 180.00Viocef (200 mg) 190.00
Virexim (200 mg) 199.00Vizi (200 mg) 140.00
VJ Fix (200 mg) 180.00Voltacef (200 mg) 150.00
Welixime (200 mg) 187.20Winer (200 mg) 99.00
Worcef (200 mg) 189.00Wrelsi (200 mg) 125.00
Wycef (200 mg) 1.00Wytax (200 mg) 280.00
X 200 (200 mg) 125.00X Cef (200 mg) 155.00
Xcef (200 mg) 189.50XE Cure (200 mg) 2.00
Xecute DT (200 mg) 99.90Xim (200 mg) 92.00
Xim (200 mg) (Malar) 140.00Ximsac (200 mg) 199.00
Xiotac (200 mg) 150.00Xycib (200 mg) 110.00
Xzeem (200 mg) 167.00Zaxim (200+LB) 199.50
Zeefix (200 mg) 87.00Zefax (200 mg) 162.00
Zefim (200 mg) 172.50Zefix (200 mg) 69.00
Zeftis (200 mg) 110.00Zenocef (200 mg) 147.00
Zeph (200 mg) 299.00Zetax O (200 mg) 200.00
Zexia (200 mg) 1.00Zexime (200 mg) 270.00
Zifi (200 mg) 105.00Zim (200 mg) 179.00
Zime (200 mg) 159.00Zimfix (200 mg) 175.00
Zimnic DT (200 mg) 89.00Zimspor (200 mg) 160.00
Ziprax DT (200 mg) 115.25Zixi (200 mg) 268.00
Zixif (200 mg) 169.00Zofixi (200 mg) 195.00
Zone C (200 mg) 1.00Zotaxime DT (200 mg) 170.00
Zotum O (200 mg) 150.00Zovixim 200 118.00
Zoxigard DT (200 mg) 165.00Zoxime (200 mg) 150.00
Zucaf (200 mg) 97.00Zufix DT (200 mg) 165.00
Zysafe (200 mg) 158.00

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