Acicure (20 Mg)

Acicure 20 mg - (Omeprazole) Capsule | Price, Usage, Dosage, and Brand Substitutes with similar Generic (Salt) Composition. - 

Acicure (20 mg) [Omeprazole]

Drug brand Acicure (20 mg) is being manufactured and marketed by Capri Pharmaceuticals. The main active ingredient or salt in this drug is Omeprazole. This drug comes in the form of Capsule. The general packing available for this medicine consists of 100 Capsule and is priced at Rs 360.00 (arround $5.04 US Dollar)
Generic :Omeprazole
Pharma Company :Capri Pharmaceuticals
Brand Label :Acicure (20 mg)
Preparation Type :Capsule
Single Dose :1 Capsule
Composition :Omeprazole-20 mg
Pack Size/Qty/Vol :100 Capsule
Price Unit :Rs 3.6
Price Pack :Rs 360.00 INR (arround $5.04 US Dollar)

Drug details for Acicure (20 mg)

Usage: Why is this medication prescribed?

The main active ingredient or salt in Acicure (20 mg) is Omeprazole.

Prescription omeprazole is used alone or with other medications to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which backward flow of acid from the stomach causes heartburn and possible injury of the esophagus (the tube between the throat and stomach). Prescription omeprazole is used to treat the symptoms of GERD, allow the esophagus to heal, and prevent further damage to the esophagus. Prescription omeprazole is also used to treat conditions in which the stomach produces too much acid such as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Prescription omeprazole is also used to treat ulcers (sores in the lining of the stomach or intestine) and it is also used with other medications to treat and prevent the return of ulcers caused by a certain type of bacteria (H. pylori). Nonprescription (over-the-counter) omeprazole is used to treat frequent heartburn (heartburn that occurs at least 2 or more days a week). Omeprazole is in a class of medications called proton-pump inhibitors. It works by decreasing the amount of acid made in the stomach.

Acicure (20 mg) - Omeprazole - For more details on its Indication, Prescription, Usage, Dosage, Precaution, Side Effects etc, please check : Acicure (20 mg) - Omeprazole..

Generic Drug Substitutes for : Acicure (20 mg)

There are 613 brands listed here as Generic Substitutes for Acicure (20 mg), which have same salt or similar Generic composition (i.e. Omeprazole-20 mg).
Please note that one can request a doctor or pharmacist to substitute a generic version of the prescribed drug brand, if any. So far as quality and performance of generic version is concerned, mostly, Generics with the same active ingredient (here i.e. Omeprazole-20 mg), are just as appropriate and effective for patient treatment as otherwise, the prescribed branded one

BrandPrice (Rs.)BrandPrice (Rs.)
Abcid (20 mg) 36.25Aceprole (20 mg) 350.00
Acer (20 mg) 720.00Aci (20 mg) 40.00
Aciben (20 mg) 780.00Acichek (20 mg) 29.75
Acichek (20 mg) (Nicholas Piramal) 36.00Acidof (20 mg) 780.00
Acimer (20 mg) 38.00Acinorm (20 mg) 38.00
Acirid (20 mg) 380.00Acitec (20 mg) 40.00
Acizole (20 mg) 63.00Adoloc (20 mg) 35.00
Adprazole (20 mg) 38.85Adzole (20 mg) 38.86
Aerocid (20 mg) 38.00AIG (20 mg) 39.00
Alcid (20 mg) 39.00Aldom (20 mg) 38.00
Almac (20 mg) 375.00Alom (20 mg) 39.00
Alphacid (20 mg) 32.00Alprodine (20 mg) 31.00
Amaze (20 mg) 76.00Amezole 39.00
Annzole (20 mg) 300.00Anzo (20 mg) 38.00
Anzole (20 mg) 38.00Apd Zole (20 mg) 35.50
Aqzole (20 mg) 37.00Armez (20 mg) 34.00
Astom (20 mg) 39.00Athom Cap 39.90
Atozol (20 mg) 34.90Aumep (20 mg) 38.00
Avizol (20 mg) 42.00Awnacid (20 mg) 30.00
Axefire (20 mg) 45.00Axizole (20 mg) 400.00
Azol (20 mg) 45.00Bezole (20 mg) 32.00
Binacid (20 mg) 35.00Biocid (20 mg) 22.50
Biomac (20 mg) 400.00Biomez (20 mg) 34.00
Biozole (20 mg) 375.00Blancid (20 mg) 35.00
Bome (20 mg) 36.00Bonipraz (20 mg) 42.00
Brocid (20 mg) 40.50Burnil (20 mg) 680.00
C Praz (20 mg) 390.00Capcid (20 mg) 42.00
Capocid (20 mg) 35.00Capocid cap (20 mg) 35.00
CD-OM (20 mg) 53.00Cerol (20 mg) 7.94
CG-Mez (20 mg) 37.00Cgmag (20 mg) 45.00
CID (20 mg) 800.00Cinom (20 mg) 42.00
Clepraz (20 mg) 33.00Concid (20 mg) 390.00
Cool Zone (20 mg) 40.56Copraz (20 mg) 43.00
Corcid (20 mg) 31.90Coromez (20 mg) 35.00
Cosazole (20 mg) 40.00Coszol (20 mg) 39.00
Coz (20 mg) 44.50Coz M (20 mg) 31.00
Cozep (20 mg) 37.27Cozol (20 mg) 29.00
Cucid (20 mg) 29.00Cuzole (20 mg) 44.00
Datzol (20 mg) 65.52Dayone (20 mg) 44.70
Deloc (20 mg) 360.00Demo (20 mg) 39.60
Diger (20 mg) 4.00Digesil MPS (20 mg) 6.00
Diocid (20 mg) 42.12Domser 28.90
Duemez (20 mg) 39.00Duotac (20 mg) 60.00
E Zole (20 mg) 35.00Ecsom (20 mg) 37.00
Edizol (20 mg) 38.00Elcid OD (20 mg) 33.00
Elpra (20 mg) 44.00Emopoz (20 mg) 16.00
Encid (20 mg) 38.00Encizole (20 mg) 34.00
Endocid (20 mg) 38.00Eo (20 mg) 39.50
Epizole (20 mg) 390.00Epra (20 mg) 35.00
Epraz (20 mg) 39.00Eprazole (20 mg) 59.00
Erazole (20 mg) 38.00Esozole (20 mg) 31.71
Eumac (20 mg) 40.00Exole (20 mg) 37.00
Ezol (20 mg) 41.60Ezole (20 mg) 36.00
Fastcid (20 mg) 38.50Finzole (20 mg) 40.00
FM O (20 mg) 51.00Forzole (20 mg) 38.00
Fucid (20 mg) 37.00G Zole (20 mg) 27.00
Gasoc (20 mg) 42.00Gastazole (20 mg) 50.00
Gastron (20 mg) 35.00Gear (20 mg) 35.00
Goul (20 mg) 40.00Gozo (20 mg) 55.00
Gracid (20 mg) 48.00Harecid (20 mg) 40.00
Haricid (20 mg) 40.00Hariom (20 mg) 38.00
HC Zol 20 40.00HK (20 mg) 43.80
Hocid (20 mg) 38.90Hocid 20 45.00
Hostaom (20 mg) 41.00Hozole (20 mg) 38.00
Hypocid (20 mg) 38.00Hypocid (20 mg) (Udik) 28.00
Inlock (20 mg) 40.00Iscozole (20 mg) 38.80
Jalan (20 mg) 30.00Javcid (20 mg) 34.00
Jenas (20 mg) 35.00Jomez (20 mg) 38.00
Kapiom 39.90Keprazole (20 mg) 395.00
Kexid (20 mg) 35.00Kimocid (20 mg) 37.00
Klocid (20 mg) 40.00Kulgut (20 mg) 700.00
Kzole (20 mg) 35.00Leemazole (20 mg) 45.00
Leozole (20 mg) 30.00Lexcid (20 mg) 4.00
Lokcid (20 mg) 10.00Lokit (20 mg) 39.80
Lomac (20 mg) 30.00Lomecid (20 mg) 42.00
Lomezole (20 mg) 780.00Lopra (20 mg) 80.00
Loress (20 mg) 39.00Losec (20 mg) 39.00
Lupome (20 mg) 47.00M Zole (20 mg) 45.00
Mac (20 mg) 54.00Mago (20 mg) 33.00
Mago MR (20 mg) 32.00Malo (20 mg) 35.00
Megaom (20 mg) 36.50Menzol (20 mg) 32.15
Meprazole (20 mg) 360.00Meproz (20 mg) 38.00
Mepzol (20 mg) 37.00Merizol (20 mg) 41.00
Merizole (20 mg) 38.90Metaloc (20 mg) 33.21
Mezol (20 mg) 33.50Miz (20 mg) 54.00
Mizole (20 mg) 38.00MO Mez (20 mg) 50.00
Momaya (20 mg) 360.00Monocid (20 mg) 36.00
Mozac (20 mg) 39.50Nabizole 40.00
Nexpraz (20 mg) 48.00Nilcid (20 mg) 42.00
Nilsec (20 mg) 32.00Niszol (20 mg) 28.00
Noacid (20 mg) 41.00Nocid (20 mg) 400.00
Nocid (20 mg) (Nac International) 38.00Nogacid (20 mg) 39.00
Nokcid (20 mg) 35.00Nolcer (20 mg) 40.00
Nolcer EC (20 mg) 33.00Nomepra (20 mg) 46.00
Nucid (20 mg) (Omeprazol) 40.00Numcid (20 mg) 36.00
Nutracid (20 mg) 56.00Nutracid (20 mg) 23.40
O Mar (20 mg) 30.40O Zole (20 mg) 38.00
Ocade (20 mg) 35.00Ocid (20 mg) 87.63
Ocid QRS FC (20 mg) 105.00Ocimax (20 mg) 70.00
Ocos (20 mg) 38.90Odizol (20 mg) 39.00
Ogestrel (20 mg) 36.00Ogl (20 mg) 39.00
Ogre (20 mg) 36.00Ohio (20 mg) 34.00
Okacid (20 mg) 38.24Okasid (20 mg) 38.50
Olit (20 mg) 44.55Olla (20 mg) 760.00
Olla MT (20 mg) 32.50Olmax (20 mg) (Biomax Labs) 36.00
OM (20 mg) 64.80Om (20 mg) (Pharma Drugs) 40.00
OM OD (20 mg) 46.00Omac (20 mg) 35.00
Omac (20 mg) (MDC Pharma) 39.30Omacid (20 mg) 40.00
Omag (20 mg) 360.00Omag (20 mg) 40.00
Omalcer (20 mg) 73.39Omapin (20 mg) 26.00
Omara (20 mg) 39.70Omark (20 mg) 540.00
Omat (20 mg) 41.00Omax (20 mg) 36.00
Omcar EC (20 mg) 39.00Omcare (20 mg) 40.00
Omcer (20 mg) 36.00Omcid (20 mg) 35.00
Omcure (20 mg) 34.00Omdarsh (20 mg) 40.00
Ome (20 mg) 39.00OME (20 mg) (GPS Pharma) 35.00
Ome PPI (20 mg) 23.00Omeba (20 mg) 36.00
Omec (20 mg) 1.00Omecare (20 mg) 30.00
Omecer (20 mg) 32.00Omecer (20 mg) (East West Pharma) 41.35
Omecer (20 mg) (Shantam Pharma) 350.00Omecid (20 mg) 39.40
Omecid (20 mg) (Saga Labs) 35.20Omecip (20 mg) 46.00
Omecon (20 mg) 29.60Omecos (20 mg) 40.00
Omecyg DR (20 mg) 350.00Omed (20 mg) 20.00
Omedate (20 mg) 32.00Omeday (20 mg) 59.40
Omeder (20 mg) 40.00Omedy (20 mg) 26.00
Omee (20 mg) 62.50Omef (20 mg) 39.00
Omefam (20 mg) 39.00Omefer (20 mg) 38.00
Omega (20 mg) 38.70Omeges (20 mg) 35.00
Omegold (20 mg) 30.00Omegord (20 mg) 34.00
Omejel (20 mg) 33.00Omekon (20 mg) 30.00
Omekure (20 mg) 35.00Omel (20 mg) 38.50
Omel (20 mg) (Elysium Pharma) 43.00Omel 20 36.00
Omelax (20 mg) 39.50Omemarc (20 mg) 39.60
Omemarc (20 mg) 59.25Omen (20 mg) 40.50
Omenat (20 mg) 39.87Omenix (20 mg) 45.00
Omep (20 mg) 34.50Omep (20 mg) (West-Coast Pharma) 38.00
Omeplus (20 mg) 40.50Omepo (20 mg) 36.00
Omepral (20 mg) 35.75Omepral (20 mg) (Alpa Labs) 400.00
Omeprale (20 mg) 35.25Omepraz (20 mg) 45.00
Omeprazole (20 mg) 39.00Omeprazole (20 mg) (Acichem Labs) 450.00
Omeprazole (20 mg) (Jocund India) 59.81Omeprazole 20 mg (Jan Aushadhi) 7.36
Omepren (20 mg) 33.00Omepromp (20 mg) 36.00
Omept (20 mg) 60.00Omepus (20 mg) 42.90
Omeris (20 mg) 22.50Omeron (20 mg) 60.00
Omerose (20 mg) 328.38Omerox (20 mg) 40.00
Omesec (20 mg) 22.05Omesoft (20 mg) 48.00
Omesol (20 mg) 38.67Omesol 20 41.80
Omesule (20 mg) 360.00Omesun (20 mg) 36.75
Omesym (20 mg) 80.00Omet (20 mg) 55.00
Ometab (20 mg) 46.30Ometan (20 mg) 40.00
Ometos (20 mg) 330.00Ometus (20 mg) 35.95
Omevar (20 mg) 38.00Omex (20 mg) 38.00
Omey (20 mg) 47.11Omez (20 mg) 50.60
Omez FF (20 mg) 58.76Omezen (20 mg) 350.00
Omezol (20 mg) 38.25Omezole (20 mg) 43.20
Omezone (20 mg) 34.00Omflux (20 mg) 371.00
OMI (20 mg) 37.00OMI Q (20 mg) 24.00
Omic (20 mg) 36.00Omicap (20 mg) 41.80
Omicas (20 mg) 72.00Omicent (20 mg) 37.00
Omicool (20 mg) 31.71Omicot (20 mg) 30.00
Omicure (20 mg) 40.00Omid (20 mg) 60.00
Omid (20 mg) (Neuron Pharma) 32.00Omidac (20 mg) 375.00
Omidor (20 mg) 34.00Omig (20 mg) 60.00
Omigard (20 mg) 35.00Omik (20 mg) 38.00
Omikos (20 mg) 45.00Omil (20 mg) 35.00
Omilee (20 mg) 37.25Omiloc (20 mg) 38.00
Omimac (20 mg) 15.00Omin (20 mg) 415.00
Omind (20 mg) 34.50Omindazol (20 mg) 35.00
Omipace (20 mg) 36.00Omiplas (20 mg) 482.00
Omiprex (20 mg) 36.00Omired (20 mg) 370.00
Omis (20 mg) 42.00Omisal (20 mg) 33.00
Omisan (20 mg) 423.00Omisat (20 mg) 32.00
Omisun (20 mg) 35.00Omitab (20 mg) 30.00
Omitec (20 mg) 45.00Omitross (20 mg) 36.00
Omium (20 mg) 40.00Omiup (20 mg) 28.00
Omix (20 mg) 320.00Omiz (20 mg) 30.00
Omizac (20 mg) 43.30Omizol 30.00
Omizol (20 mg) 33.50Omizol (20 mg) (Blossoms Biologicals) 39.90
Omizol (20 mg) (Digital Vision) 800.00Omkair (20 mg) 40.00
Omkar (20 mg) 39.00Omlee (20 mg) 34.40
Omlin (20 mg) 41.00Omlink (20 mg) 35.00
Omlo (20 mg) 40.00Ommac (20 mg) 360.00
Omni (20 mg) (Innovative) 60.00Omni (20 mg) (Paragon Pharma) 38.50
Omni (20 mg) (Reco Drugs) 13.00OMO (20 mg) 29.00
Omoffin (20 mg) 39.90Omon (20 mg) 32.00
Omore (20 mg) 45.00Omosil (20 mg) 39.00
Ompep (20 mg) 37.00Omper (20 mg) 41.00
Omper (20 mg) (Ortin Labs) 42.00Ompicid (20 mg) 39.00
Ompirol (20 mg) 45.00Ompli (20 mg) 54.00
Ompol (20 mg) 53.00Ompramil (20 mg) 36.00
Ompran (20 mg) 36.00Ompraz (20 mg) 40.00
Omprest (20 mg) 37.00Omprex (20 mg) 26.00
Omracap (20 mg) 70.00Omray (20 mg) 58.50
Omre (20 mg) 59.85Omrel (20 mg) 39.00
Omriz (20 mg) 40.00Omron (20 mg) 380.00
Oms (20 mg) 34.00Omson (20 mg) 37.26
Omsy (20 mg) 35.00Omtal (20 mg) 450.00
Omtec (20 mg) 36.00Omtec (20 mg) (Technica) 45.00
Omtech (20 mg) 39.90Omtech (20 mg) (Pharmatech HC) 39.80
Omtez (20 mg) 37.00Omtrik (20 mg) 600.00
Omven (20 mg) 60.00Omwel (20 mg) 39.00
Omwin (20 mg) 350.00Omx (20 mg) 34.50
Omypax (20 mg) 32.50Omzac (20 mg) 44.90
Omzee (20 mg) 39.00Omzil (20 mg) 1.00
Omzit 31.20Omzol (20 mg) 49.00
Omzole (20 mg) 1.00On (20 mg) 52.00
Onam (20 mg) 35.00Onazole Forte (20 mg) 34.90
Once (20 mg) (Safe Pharma) 35.00Onicid (20 mg) 375.00
Onicid (20 mg) (Osho Labs) 37.50Onocid (20 mg) 36.30
Onzolef Forte (20 mg) 34.90OP Z (20 mg) 29.50
OP Zole (20 mg) 42.00Opar (20 mg) 41.00
Opaz (20 mg) 35.70Opec (20 mg) 400.00
Opel (20 mg) 27.00Opel (20 mg) (Swisskem HC) 40.00
Opel NIT (20 mg) 35.00Opelnit (20 mg) 35.00
Opep (20 mg) 35.07Opera (20 mg) 39.00
Opera (20 mg) (Ascent Labs) 32.81Opera (20 mg) (Marc Healthcare) 39.00
Opizol (20 mg) 40.00OPL (20 mg) 31.50
Opratab (20 mg) 30.00Oprazole (20 mg) 32.00
Opryl 47.50OPZ (20 mg) 39.00
Oraz (20 mg) 24.00Oraz (20 mg) (Vaishali Pharma) 37.50
Oricid (20 mg) 45.00Orid (20 mg) 71.00
Orik (20 mg) 1.00Orio (20 mg) 40.00
Orio (20 mg) (Siesta Pharma) 40.00Orol (20 mg) 40.00
Osec (20 mg) 38.00Osec 20 42.10
Oskar (20 mg) 22.00Ospicid (20 mg) 45.00
Ossum (20 mg) 45.00Otab (20 mg) 27.00
Otto (20 mg) 45.50Owell (20 mg) 7.00
OZ (20 mg) (Bindlysh) 60.00Oz (20 mg) (Hiral Labs) 34.00
Ozad (20 mg) 37.00Oze (20 mg) 38.00
Ozec (20 mg) 39.00Ozed (20 mg) 38.00
Ozed (20 mg) (Biosans LS) 40.00Ozee (20 mg) 55.00
Ozit (20 mg) 380.00Ozl (20 mg) 39.00
OZO (20 mg) 37.50Ozol (20 mg) 360.00
Ozomat (20 mg) 42.00Ozz (20 mg) 39.90
P P Loc (20 mg) 45.00Panzole (20 mg) 45.00
Paramac (20 mg) 38.50Parcid (20 mg) 30.00
Pelepra (20 mg) 46.00Pep (20 mg) 1.00
Pepcid (20 mg) 40.00Pepticalm (20 mg) 39.00
Peptilcer (20 mg) 36.25Pepzer O (20 mg) 42.60
Pepzol (20 mg) 390.00Pifomz (20 mg) 37.50
Pikloz (20 mg) 35.00Pipzol (20 mg) 29.00
Pirazole 31.71Plaz (20 mg) 4.00
Plazole (20 mg) 39.00Pmezole (20 mg) 36.00
PPI (20 mg) 36.00PPI (20 mg) 38.00
Pradiz (20 mg) 40.00Praomi (20 mg) 380.00
Praz (20 mg) (Omeprazole) 720.00Prazokan (20 mg) 38.00
Prez (20 mg) 37.50Prilosid (20 mg) 41.10
Priom (20 mg) 39.00Proact (20 mg) 38.15
Probitor (20 mg) 38.00Procid (20 mg) 30.00
Prohibin (20 mg) 10.00Prohibit (20 mg) 35.00
Promez (20 mg) 39.00Promezole (20 mg) 399.00
Promisec (20 mg) 27.39Prosec (20 mg) 27.26
Protocid (20 mg) 39.40Protoloc (20 mg) 39.00
Proton (20 mg) 25.00Protosec (20 mg) 39.50
Proz (20 mg) 32.00Proz (20 mg) (Lancer) 39.00
Proz D (20 mg) 43.00Prozex (20 mg) 29.95
Prozol (20 mg) 36.00Prozol (20 mg) (Moraceae Pharma) 39.00
Prozol (20 mg) (Sain Medicaments) 39.00R Zole (20 mg) (Ankom Labs) 42.33
Raczole (20 mg) 20.00Raz (20 mg) (Pans) 105.00
Raz (20 mg) (Symet) 38.00Raz O (20 mg) 40.00
Rcar (20 mg) 38.00Recid (20 mg) (Remedy) 38.00
Regperi (20 mg) 39.90Reguloc (20 mg) 90.00
Reloc (20 mg) 30.00Remzol (20 mg) 39.00
Renzole (20 mg) 36.00Resec (20 mg) 40.60
Restocid (20 mg) 41.90Riazole (20 mg) 40.00
Robcid (20 mg) 38.50Romecid (20 mg) 34.45
Romep (20 mg) 35.00Romesec (20 mg) 33.05
Romizole (20 mg) 18.00Saiom (20 mg) 40.00
Salom (20 mg) 41.00Sancid (20 mg) 63.00
Sanpol (20 mg) 17.90Saprazole (20 mg) 35.00
Savom (20 mg) 39.00Scom (20 mg) 40.00
Semizol (20 mg) 41.50Seotac (20 mg) 36.00
Silomep (20 mg) 399.00Siozole (20 mg) 41.89
Skom (20 mg) 59.90Sofline (20 mg) 36.00
Somepra (20 mg) 40.00Soz (20 mg) 40.00
Sparom (20 mg) 350.00Stanzole (20 mg) 35.00
Suncid (20 mg) 36.00Svcid (20 mg) (Ecocare) 42.00
Svcid (20 mg) (S.V.Pharma) 36.00Syzole (20 mg) 34.50
Tabo 46.30Tavizol (20 mg) 48.00
Temaz (20 mg) 39.00Tocid (20 mg) 59.85
Tom (20 mg) 36.00Toncid (20 mg) 45.00
Toprizole (20 mg) 40.00Traz (20 mg) 37.50
Ulcare (20 mg) 38.00Ulcecure (20 mg) 38.00
Ulcego (20 mg) 36.00Ulcelak (20 mg) 29.50
Ulcez (20 mg) 38.00Ulcicap (20 mg) 38.00
Ulcigard (20 mg) 35.00Ulcipra Forte (20 mg) 100.00
Ulciprom (20 mg) 390.00Ulcirex (20 mg) 36.50
Ulcure (20 mg) 60.00Ulstall (20 mg) 385.00
Ultec (20 mg) 42.00Ulzol (20 mg) 38.00
UOM (20 mg) 35.00Veesec (20 mg) 39.50
Velo (20 mg) (Shreeyam HC) 30.00Vemron (20 mg) 40.00
Venomez (20 mg) 43.68Vinocid (20 mg) 54.00
Vinzole (20 mg) 38.00Viocid (20 mg) 30.00
Vozo (20 mg) 37.00Wincid (20 mg) 38.00
Winocid (20 mg) 57.75Wycid (20 mg) 39.00
Wycid (20 mg) (Yacca Pharma) 34.00Xomex (20 mg) 35.00
Yomzole (20 mg) 45.00Zanocid (20 mg) 40.00
Zapcer (20 mg) 38.00Zarp (20 mg) 40.00
Zecid (20 mg) 40.00Zeloc (20 mg) 38.70
Zenocid (20 mg) 38.00Zepcid (20 mg) 760.00
Zerocid (20 mg) 410.00Zocid (20 mg) 33.00
Zolcer (20 mg) 34.00Zolic (20 mg) 40.00
Zolome Forte (20 mg) 350.00Zom (20 mg) 39.00
Zomac (20 mg) 38.00Zomcare (20 mg) 75.00
Zomep (20 mg) 19.90Zoom (20 mg) 31.50
Zopep (20 mg) 29.10Zosec (20 mg) 39.00
Zosec M (20 mg) 39.60

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