List of Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) Drug Brands for Prescription and Over-the-counter (OTC) Medications. Alphabetical drug brand Indexing for easy search.

Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) Drugs contains two or more active substances within a single pharmaceutical form.
Get details about Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) Drug Brands with active substances (or ingredients or salts), Composition, Preparation type, Manufacturer, available packing size/quantity and respective price. Against each Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) Drug Brand, other brand substitutes having similar Fixed-Dose Combination are also listed. Generic Drug Scan currently has 41756 Drug Brands listed under 9154 distinct Fixed-Dose Combinations (FDCs). The list is being updated regularly, in case a brand is missing in our list, please contact us for its enlistment.

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Drug BrandType
Aqua Ptychotis Conc (200 ml)Suspension
Aqua Ptychotis Conc (450 ml)Suspension
Aqua Tears (Eye) (5 ml)Drop
Aquadil-P (50 ml)Suspension
Aqualsol Ceezed (100 ml)Syrup
Aquamide (20+50)Tablet
Aquasol Ceezed (100 ml)Syrup
Aquatears (5 ml)Drop
Aquatears (Eye) (10 ml)Drop
Aquatears (Eye) (5 ml)Drop
Aquaviron (1 ml)Injection
Aqueous Iodine (100 ml)Solution
Aqueous Iodine (20 ml)Solution
Aqueous Iodine (400 ml)Solution
Aquigesic (50+500)Tablet
Aquigesic P (50+500)Tablet
Aquire DSRCapsule
Aqupro-TZ (500+600)Tablet
Aqvagel (170 ml)Suspension
Aqwet AerosolInhaler
AR 2 (60 mg)Injection
ARA (100+500)Tablet
Ara (30 gm)Gel
Araam Forte (500+500+50)Tablet
Aram (100+500)Tablet
Aram (60 ml)Syrup
Arameth PL (Inj)Injection
Arbchek CTTablet
Arbenzy Oral dropsDrop
Arbenzy PlusSyrup
Arbid A (30+150)Tablet
Arbitace (25+5)Tablet
Arbitace (50+5)Tablet
Arbitel AM (40+5)Tablet
Arbitel H (80+12.5)Tablet
Arbitel R (40+2.5)Tablet
Arbitel R (40+5)Tablet
Arbitel-H (40+12.5)Tablet
Arblos-H (25+12.5)Tablet
Arblos-H (50+12.5)Tablet
Arbo -Z (150 ml)Syrup
Arboclav 625Tablet
Arboler MTablet
Arcadis (200 gm)Powder
Arcal (1250+250)Tablet
Arcef SInjection
Arcef XP (1000+125)Injection
Arcef XP (250+31.25)Injection
Arcefenac P (100+500)Tablet
Arcefenac SP (500+100+15)Tablet